Certifications and awards


Top 10 Patient Monitoring Solution Providers - 2023

Carenity has been selected as one of the Top 10 Patient Monitoring Solution Providers 2023 by Medhealth Outlook.
Medhealth Outlook serves as the backdoor to the latest technologies and trends in the healthcare, pharma, and medical industries.

Certified as a Best Place To Work in France - 2021

In 2021, Carenity has been recognized as one of the best places to work for in France. During the assessment, the company received outstanding scores across several aspects of their workplace, such as diversity, growth opportunities, relationships and culture resulting in its recognition among the employers of choice in France.
Best Places To Work is the most definitive ‘Employer of Choice’ certification that organizations aspire to achieve.

Top 10% best abstracts at ISPOR Europe congress - 2020

Carenity receives the "Top 10% best abstracts" award for the quality of its research presentations during the ISPOR scientific conferences.

Pharmaceutiques Trophies 2019 - Category "Clinical Research Company"

Carenity was the 2019 recepient of the "Clinical Research Companies" award during the 6th Pharmaceutiques trophies. Every year, Pharmaceutiques magazine awards the best institutional advertising among health care actors.

Nuit de la RSE (RSE Night): Best Societal Innovation (3rd place) & Public's Choice (2nd place) - 2019

In 2019, Carenity won the bronze metal for best societal innovation at the 7th RSE Night. RSE Night is an event dedicated to the promotion and sharing of initiatives and projects that strive towards new models of sustainable development that benefit civil society, the environment and the economy.

Best Podium award at International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research - 2017

In 2017, Carenity won the "Best Podium" prize for the quality of its research presentations during ISPOR scientific conferences.

Caducées Digital Health Trophy - 2017

In 2017, Carenity won the "Digital Health" trophy during the Nuit des Caducées, an event organized by ESCP to bring together players in the pharmaceutical industry and health care.

FrenchWeb500 : 500 French Tech businesses index - 2016

In 2016, Carenity was included in the FrenchWeb500 index that lists the 500 top companies in French tech. FrenchWeb is a web site that specializes in French technology companies.

Red Herring Europe: Top 100 European Start-Ups to Watch - 2016

In 2016, Carenity was included in the "100 European Start-Ups to Watch" index, compiled by Red Herring.

Paris Biotech Santé Incubator - 2012

In 2012, Carenity joined the Paris Biotech Santé incubator. Paris Biotech Santé is an incubator for innovative businesses that specialize in drug development, medical devices and innovative services that benefit patients

Réseau Entreprendre Paris Laureat - 2012

In 2012, Carenity became a Réseau Entreprendre laureat and thus benefits from personnalised support as its persues it growth goals. The Réseau Entreprendre is an association that brings together several thousand business leaders who volunteer their time to coach entrepreneurs.

Scientipôle Initiative Laureat - 2011

In 2011, Carenity became a Scientipole Initiative laureat. Scientipole Initiative is an association whose goal is to help young, innovative businesses in the Ile de France region to grow using a combination of financial aide, services and support tools.

Certified "Jeune Entreprise Innovante" (Young Innovative Business) - 2011

In 2011, Carenity received "Jeune Entreprise Innovante" (Young Innovative Business) certitification. This status was created by the French government in 2004 with the goal of fostering the growth of small and medium businesses in the field of research.

Last updated: 2/28/24