Thank you for a great 2019 - Carenity year-end review
Published Dec 20, 2019 • By Louise Bollecker
Happy 2020! To show our appreciation for your support, we wanted to share a few key numbers from this past year at Carenity. Our biggest hope is that you’ll stay with us for a long time to come. Don’t forget to leave a comment under the article to tell us how your 2019 went!

3566 comments posted by Carenity members
Our community just keeps getting bigger! Patients and their loved ones join Carenity to find a safe space to talk about their conditions and general topics: assisted suicide, chronic fatigue, handicaps…
>> Come take a look at the forum
100 new original articles published in our Health Magazine
Louise-B and the rest of the Carenity editorial team prepare articles weekly to help keep you informed: advice on medications, features on symptoms or diets, interview with team members…
>> Click here to read our Health Magazine
40 patient and caregiver interviews
We’re very grateful to those Carenity members who took the time to tell their stories: inspiring, instructive and moving testimonials that often allow other patients and caregivers to feel less isolated and more hopeful about the future.
>> Read patient interviews or ask to be interviewed
94 personalized newsletters
One important aspect of a community manager’s job is to select custom articles or discussions for each condition. Every month we work hard to send you newsletters packed with information, advice and inspirations for better living.
>> Not getting newsletters? Update your preferences
100 Facebook posts
We regularly update our Facebook feed, both to keep our members informed and to attract new viewers who don’t know us yet. On our Facebook page you’ll find: inspiring quotes, interesting conversations, focus articles on different conditions, etc.
>> Take a look at our Facebook page and follow us
Patient surveys
Carenity’s analysts develop surveys which allow patients’ voices to be heard by health care actors. We want to pass on your health care needs as precisely and accurately as possible to help move things forward. Three of our submissions were even published in recognized scientific journals.
+10 conventions and events
We transmit our survey results and defend the concept of patient-centricity to the scientific community. Our Development and Partner team has presented no less than 12 posters at various conventions and events.
>> Read our scientific publications
11 new recruits
Carenity’s team has added new talents: community managers, developers, analysts and partnership supervisors, all share Carenity’s vision and desire to help patients and their loved ones better their daily lives.
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