Endometriosis: “Sophrology was a revelation for me!”
Published Feb 9, 2022 • By Candice Salomé
Zeliarose, a member of Carenity France, is affected by endometriosis. She was diagnosed in 2011, but the symptoms had been present since her teenage years. After testing different treatments, she decided to try sophrology, which was a real revelation in managing her pain.
She then decided to make it her profession in order to help women affected by endometriosis as much as possible!
Read her story below!

Hello Zeliarose, thank you for agreeing to share your story with us on Carenity!
First of all, could you tell us a bit about yourself?
I'm a woman who has worked in different fields, but always in contact with and helping people. I've always been interested in wellness, in order to be in a better state of mind. Since my diagnosis in 2011, endometriosis and adenomyosis have become my battle.
Photo courtesy of Zeliarose
Diagnosing endometriosis can be difficult and can take a long time. How long did it take in your case? How many doctors have you seen? Did you do any of your own research about the disease?
I think I've had endometriosis for a very long time, I used to have very painful periods and have to stay in bed. I missed a lot of school because of it...
In 2011, after seeing a plethora of doctors, I was finally given a name for my condition. Since then, I have tried several treatments before finding the one that would ease my pain a little, as the pain has become almost daily... In addition to the treatments, I wanted to find a natural method to relieve the pain. The Internet helped me to switch careers. I first trained in essential oils and Bach flowers.
Can you describe the pain and symptoms of endometriosis?
I had heavy periods, a feeling like my ovaries were contracting, pain in my lower back, swollen belly, difficulty having bowel movements, constant fatigue... This was my life in the day-to-day. I felt like a victim, trapping in this never-ending disease... My morale was at its lowest.
I had to undergo a laparoscopy to remove the endometriosis lesions, but unfortunately it came back 7 months later.
What sort or care or treatments did you undergo?
My care was complicated at the beginning because the disease was not as well-known as it is today, and the doctors were not necessarily trained in endometriosis.
I've had so many treatments that the list would be too long... I think there is still real progress to be made on treatments which, unfortunately, have so many side effects and consequences...
When will women be taken care of as a whole, complete person? Of course, there's pain, difficulty conceiving... But what should you do when your libido is almost non-existent? What about when your self-confidence is down to almost zero? What to do about stress, sleeping problems, weight gain, keeping one's job and social and family life...? There are no treatments for that.
What impact has endometriosis had on your personal and professional life?
My working life has been plagued by repeated work stoppages and, fortunately, my husband has helped me by accompanying me to my medical appointments. His help is invaluable, and I know that many women go through this alone.
Along your care pathway, you were offered sophrology sessions. Can you tell us more about it? Did it help you?
At that time, in my search for natural methods, someone suggested I try sophrology, which was a revelation for me... From the very first session, I felt calm, serene... finally a glimmer of hope!
How did sophrology help you to manage your endometriosis?
I started by working on my stress because I realized that it was triggering flare-ups. Then, I worked on the pain. More precisely from the first signs of pain, I would do the abdominal breathing and the exercises that I had been taught.
You then decided to become a sophrologist yourself. What led you to make the decision? What did you like about this alternative to conventional medicine? How did you train?
Yes, I decided to make it my profession because it helped and still helps be every day to attain a better state of wellness and to better manage my pain. I chose to specialize in endometriosis and chronic pain. I was trained at the Sophrology Training Institute in 2017. Since then, I have trained in TTT (Trauma Tapping Technique) as well as LaHoChi (an energy healing technique) to be able to work on the cause and the consequences of endometriosis and chronic pain.
You specialize in endometriosis and adenomyosis. How do you help patients using sophrology?
When an "endogirl" comes for a session, I offer her all my knowledge, my medical network, and all my techniques like sophrology, advice on aromatherapy, TTT, and LaHoChi...
In sophrology, we work on stress and pain management... In TTT, we can work on trauma such as sexual assault, rape, etc.
Aromatherapy advice completes the methods used. The aim is to help the patient as best as possible while respecting her possibilities and desires.
Could you give a few concrete examples of exercises that members reading can do?
First of all, you should focus on breathing through your stomach, for two reasons:
- First: Focusing your breath through the belly area activates the stomach muscles and tissues. I know we're "angry" with this part of our body, but not working on it can bring more discomfort and pain...
- Second: Deep breathing brings a profound sense of calm because it lowers the heart rate and lightens the mind...
In terms of other exercises, it depends on the woman and her individual needs and desires, it's better to be guided by a sophrologist who can teach them well and personalize them to her.
What are your plans for the future?
I'd like to get even more involved in the endometriosis community! I'm already a member of RESENDO, in partnership with ENDOFRANCE and ENDOLive. I also participate in Facebook groups.
My latest project is available in the Apple Store and on Google Play since 1 January 2022. It's an app called Mon coach Endoziwig. I personally worked on the sophrology module, which introduces the concept to users. I'm very proud to have participated in this wonderful project which will help many endogirls.
What do you think of patient exchange platforms like Carenity? Are you able to find the advice and support you're looking for?
I admire patient exchange platforms because they create links between "endogirls", support them, and inform them.
Keep on helping our fight!
Finally, what advice would you share with other Carenity members living with endometriosis?
I would simply say that there is a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel! Have dreams, passions, goals, find the method that suits you in addition to your treatment.
I have been there and now I live my life the way I want to and not the way the disease wants me to.
Any final words?
Don't give up, a positive mindset is your ally. I am at your disposal if you need on www.sophro-resilience.com!
Many thanks to Zeliarose for sharing her story with us on Carenity!
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