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Patients Chronic kidney disease
Be thankful when you access to medical care.
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Great post @severin and thank you for contributing. Thank you for also being a member of the medical community.

Unregistered member
Yes. It is truly a blessing to be a citizen if the u.s. I have worked as a mission volunteer many years ago in 3rd world countries and learned to appreciate many things I am lucky to have as an American like running drinkable water nearly everywhere you go.
I am especially thankful for our medicare insurance that pays for my health care costs, which are now ridiculously high for dialysis.

Unregistered member
You are very correct @Triumph2974; We need to always be thankful. But most of all we need to give back. sharing is caring. In whatever way you do it, whatever quantity you give, just give back. It is a very fulfilling thing to do. We suffer from health defects and most at times look to others to donate organs or make sacrifices for us. Can we do same for others? Can we push ourselves just a little to give hope for some other person? Can we put a smile on some other persons face even just for a day?
The most vulnerable are out there, women, children, people left to their fate in sickness. If the rest just gave a little quota, then the world would be a better place. It starts with a person and spirals to the rest. I wish that our health troubles become a thing of the past and we sour to greater heights in strength and service to each other. Thanks for reading.
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I am nurse and I have worked in many parts of the world as a volunteer. People suffer because they cant afford basic medical facilities which we have and even blame and complain about many at times. The worst is cases like kidney failure; 80% of those who get CKD die in the first year of discovery. There's no hope for transplant because there are no facilities to carry it out. Patients do dialysis twice a week at the hospital only and which is so expensive or they're bound to die. In west Africa(Cameroon) to be precise, I encountered many people(family members) willing to donate their kidney to their loved ones, but because the operation cannot be done there, loved ones are lost or constantly weak due to the poor dialysis situation.
Just sharing so that we get to be thankful and also pray and give back to others when we are blessed.