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Hip replacement surgery: Any experiences or advice?
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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Hello uncleanatol, thank you for opening this discussion. I've moved it to our osteoarthritis group for more visibility. Let me tag some other members who can possibly share some insights with you.
Hi everyone, how are you doing today? For those of you who have been through a hip replacement, can you share any advice for uncleanatol? How was the experience for you? How did the procedure go? What was the recovery like?
@Mwebesa @joetbot @klosslau @Rubilubi @Pixiestyx @Bwebs28 @sarameamom @MountainMan @Zippy58 @DinaNash @Ihavenoidea @Kykerlu @melissaannmcdowell @Nellie1954 @Joliemh @crtcatlady @Coolahrens
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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Last activity on 02/22/2025 at 6:59 AM
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My wife had a hip replacement. The surgery went well. They had her walk a little the day after. My wife had to have me help her in recovery doing movements and walking. I got her a bell to ring if she needed anything. The recovery was slow going for a while so keep it in mind. Have a loved one on hand to help in bending, walking, bathroom trips, and so on. All the work was surely worth it all. So take advantage of all the 🔔 ringing. Lol Take care my friend.
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Last activity on 02/10/2025 at 7:59 PM
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@MountainMan Thank you, that's very encouraging.
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Judith A Carlson
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Last activity on 02/10/2025 at 7:59 PM
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Okay, I've had the hip replacement and, to tell the absolute truth, at this point I'm sorry I went through it. It's been six days since the procedure and my pain level is beyond a 10, I'm walking around with some sort of drainage contraption attached to me that's so heavy it requires a shoulder strap to support it, I'm having an adverse reaction from the tape (redness and burning sensation) so I have to take Benadryl as there is no other tape available strong enough to support the "box," and the pain is so bad that I get nauseated from it. Nothing helps without giving side effects that lead to more medication. For instance, the pain meds cause constipation, for one thing, so I then end up having to take a stool softener but it doesn't help at all; I just expel gas but no stool and I am eating normally - sort of. Rule of thumb is that since I'm taking warfarin to prevent blood clots I can't have anything green (broccoli, spinach, lettuce . . . ) which drastically cuts down on fiber intake which, of course, messes up my bowels and the constipation is painful. . . plus there's the nausea that isn't exactly conducive to my wanting to eat anything. I have never in my entire 79 years been anywhere near as sorry for any surgical procedure I've ever had as I am from this one. Oh, sure, I know it'll get better eventually but right now all I really want to do is lie down and die because I'm so overwhelmingly MISERABLE!
5/6/2021: I turned 80 last month and I still have residual problems from the right hip arthroplasty. My thigh is numb in the front but along the side it constantly feels like hot grease is being poured on it. The scar is still tender (remember, the surgery was done 12/17/2020) and is a keloid - the first I've ever experienced in my life as I'm a fair-skinned white female who has had a lot of surgeries. In cold damp weather (such as we have been experiencing for the past week where I live) I have a throbbing ache in the hip like it's being struck with a hammer. My sister-in-law (a physician) and my own orthopedic surgeon both assure me that eventually everything will clear up and I'll be happy that I had the surgery. So when will that occur - when exactly is "eventually" going to kick in?
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Judith A Carlson
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Last activity on 02/10/2025 at 7:59 PM
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153 comments posted | 5 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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Due to a combination of congenital hip deformity that finally caught up with me at age 79, now bone-on-bone irritation, bone loss, and excruciating pain, I'm scheduled for hip replacement surgery on 12/17/2020. It would really be helpful if someone who has gone through this surgery would discuss the pros, cons, surgical procedure, results, rehabilitation process, etc. Frankly, I'm terrified and it would be good to know more about the procedure.