

Diabetes and Foot Health: Why should you wear non-binding socks?

Published Jun 24, 2024 • By Somya Pokharna

Diabetes isn't just about managing blood sugar—proper foot care is important too, making daily foot inspections, wearing proper footwear, and maintaining foot hygiene quite essential. These practices help prevent complications like ulcers and infections, ensuring better overall foot health. So, how can you take better care of your feet?

Moreover, did you know that non-binding socks are a game-changer for people with diabetes? They enhance circulation, reduce swelling, and prevent injuries. By avoiding tight elastics, these socks help prevent pressure sores and ulcers. That’s why we’ve partnered with Viasox to offer a giveaway of their non-binding diabetic socks!

So step up your sock game with Viasox, and step into this article to win a pair while you learn more!

Diabetes and Foot Health: Why should you wear non-binding socks?

How does diabetes affect foot health?

Foot care should be an essential part of diabetes management, with patients not only monitoring blood sugar levels but also going in for regular foot examinations, wearing appropriate footwear, and maintaining good overall foot hygiene.

This is because diabetes can severely affect foot health in several ways:

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Reduced blood circulation

High blood sugar levels can cause the blood vessels to narrow and harden, leading to poor circulation, particularly in the extremities like the feet. Poor circulation can slow down the healing process of wounds or injuries, making it more difficult for foot ulcers and other injuries to heal. This poor circulation can also lead to pain and cramps in the legs and feet.

Peripheral neuropathy

One of the most common complications of diabetes is nerve damage known as peripheral neuropathy. This affects the feet and legs first and can cause a loss of sensation. People with neuropathy may not feel pain, heat, or cold, which means they might not notice a foot injury or irritation. This lack of sensation increases the risk of cuts, sores, and blisters going unnoticed and untreated.

Increased risk of infection

Diabetes can impair the immune system, making it harder to fight off infections. When combined with slow-healing wounds and injuries, this increased susceptibility can lead to serious infections. Minor cuts and blisters can quickly become infected, leading to more severe complications.

Foot deformities and pressure points

Nerve damage can also affect the muscles in the feet, causing them to not align properly. This misalignment can lead to foot deformities such as hammertoes and bunions. These deformities can create pressure points that may not be felt due to neuropathy, leading to ulcers and wounds.

Dry skin

Diabetes can cause the skin on the feet to become very dry, which can lead to cracks and fissures. These openings in the skin can act as entry points for bacteria, leading to infections.

How can you avoid foot complications linked to diabetes?

Preventing diabetes-related foot problems involves a combination of good diabetes management, regular foot care, and appropriate lifestyle choices. Here are several practical steps diabetics can take to protect their foot health:

  • Manage blood sugar levels: Consistently managing blood glucose levels within the target range is key. High blood sugar can damage nerves and blood vessels, leading to poor circulation and reduced sensation in the feet. Maintaining controlled blood sugar levels helps prevent or delay the onset of diabetic neuropathy and other complications.
  • Conduct daily foot inspections: Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or nail problems. Use a mirror or ask for help if you cannot see the bottoms of your feet. Early detection of foot issues can prevent complications and the need for more serious interventions later.
  • Maintain good foot hygiene: Wash your feet daily in lukewarm water with a mild soap. Dry them gently, especially between the toes, and apply a moisturizer to prevent dry skin. However, avoid moisturizing between the toes, as this can encourage fungal growth.
  • Wear appropriate footwear: Choose well-fitting, comfortable shoes that provide good support and cushioning. Avoid shoes with pointed toes or high heels, and ensure there’s enough space around the toes. Break new shoes in gradually to prevent blisters and sores.
  • Trim nails carefully: Cut toenails straight across and file the edges to avoid sharp edges that could cut the skin. Avoid cutting nails too short as this can lead to ingrown toenails, a common source of infection.
  • Avoid walking barefoot: Always wear shoes or slippers, even at home, to protect your feet from injuries. This is especially important for those with reduced sensation in their feet.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking can exacerbate circulation problems, further reducing blood flow to the feet. Quitting smoking can improve circulation and overall health, thereby helping to prevent complications from diabetes.
  • Schedule regular foot examinations: See a healthcare provider for regular foot check-ups. During these exams, a professional can check for signs of neuropathy, poor circulation, and other foot health issues that you may not notice yourself.
  • Stay active: Regular exercise can improve circulation and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Choose activities that are less impactful on the feet, such as swimming, cycling, or yoga.

What are non-binding socks? What makes them different from traditional socks?

Non-binding socks, commonly referred to as diabetic socks, are specifically designed to provide comfort and protection while catering to the unique needs of people with diabetes and easing the health risks linked to the disease. There are several key features that distinguish them from traditional socks:

Non-elasticized cuffs

One of the hallmark features of non-binding socks is their loose-fitting cuffs, which are essential for people who experience circulation issues. These cuffs are designed to prevent constriction around the leg, thereby improving blood circulation.

Seamless construction

Non-binding socks typically have minimal or no seams. This design choice helps to avoid irritation or abrasions against the skin, which is particularly important for diabetic patients who may not feel minor injuries due to neuropathy.

Moisture-wicking materials

The fabrics used in these socks, such as polyester, bamboo, cotton, and lycra, are selected for their ability to effectively draw moisture away from the skin. This feature is vital as it helps keep the feet dry, reducing the risk of fungal infections which can be prevalent in moist environments.

Cushioned padding

To provide additional comfort and protect against foot injuries, non-binding socks often include extra padding from the toe to the heel. This cushioning is especially helpful for those with diabetic neuropathy, as it helps absorb impact and reduces the risk of injury from pressures that might not be felt due to impaired sensation.

Antimicrobial properties

Many non-binding socks are treated with antimicrobial agents. This treatment helps prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi, further protecting against infections that diabetics are at increased risk for due to their compromised immune systems.

How can I win my own pair of Viasox’s non-binding socks for diabetes?

Here’s some exciting news for you! We've teamed up with Viasox to bring you a special giveaway. You have the chance to win a pair of non-binding diabetic socks with fun designs that offer comfort and protection, designed especially for those managing diabetes.

How to Enter:

  1. Head over to this discussion: Win a Pair of Viasox Non-Binding Diabetic Socks!
  2. Leave a comment mentioning your favorite socks: Browse Viasox's Non-Binding Diabetic Socks collection and pick a pair with a pattern you love (no bundles!). If selected, these will be the socks you win!
  3. Boost your chances of winning! More comments mean more entries.
  4. Deadline: Participate before July 7th, 2024!!


  • Five lucky winners will be chosen at random by our partners at Viasox.
  • The winners will be announced on our platform and contacted via private messages to arrange the delivery of their prize.
  • By entering the giveaway, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions applicable to the contest.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to win a pair of high-quality diabetic socks that blend style, comfort, and practicality. Join the discussion, answer the questions, and enter the giveaway now!

This article was written in association with


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Take care!


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