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Patients Diabetes (Type 2)
What's your Type 2 Diabetes story? Let's share!
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 81 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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@OCwarrior Hello OCwarrier, thank you for starting this discussion and sharing your story! We're glad to have you here! Congratulations on being cancer free, that's fantastic! I'm so sorry that the virus has rained on your parade. I'm so glad to hear that you've got a fighting attitude and you're ready to tackle your diabetes head on!
This is exactly what Carenity is for, for sharing our stories and supporting one another. Let me tag some members who can maybe share their stories with diabetes.
Hello everyone! I hope you don't mind that I've tagged you! What is your diabetes story? How were you diagnosed? How are you doing today? Are you motivated to take control over your diabetes? Feel free to share here!
@Cbrewer04 @SWFL74 @sarahhepp @Taresabrown @Tami65 @carlton @jeffcrvn @rjpatt @jmilligan @Shelly6960 @LatoyaPhillips @armory0527gmail.com @vmatting @Shameka1 @Jmeyer73 @ILOVEMYDAD
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 07/19/2021 at 7:04 PM
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3 comments posted | 3 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
I suppose this is where I share. I’m type 2 diabetic. I hate it. I’m fat, tired and aging fast. My hair went white and started falling out. My feet hurt and I’m sad all the time. I’m single for 19 years and I think not having some one to support me or to talk to about diabetes has not helped my attitude at all.
ive been looking for a group to share with I hope this site is a good start
Has anyone read The Sugar Solution? I started it the other day and it sounds like there is hope!
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Last activity on 09/26/2020 at 8:19 PM
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5 comments posted | 5 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Hello. My name is Antigone, I'm 48 years old and was diagnosed on May 30th, 2020 with Type 2 diabetes.
My A1C is 12.5; I am taking 500mg Metformin BID and one Lantus injection per day. I'm also anemic, which I've known about the anemia for years.
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Antigone A. Freimann
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Last activity on 07/13/2020 at 2:19 PM
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Lois Kearney
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Last activity on 07/13/2020 at 2:19 PM
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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I didn’t even know that I was diabetic until a few months back during one of my follow up doctor visits that my A-1 C was seven or above. I asked my doctor what did that mean she says it means you’re diabetic. I was a little blown away at first, but then I knew one of the keys is to lose the weight. I weighed 341,the most I have ever weighed in my life, even though most of my life I had struggled with my weight going up and down. So I asked my doctor would she gave me something that would cut my appetite and she did. She put me on phentermine 37.5 mg and that jumpstarted my losing weight.To date I have lost 40 pounds. I have a doctor’s appointment this Wednesday & I am praying I will finally be under 300 pounds.In February my A1C was 7.6,in May it had come down to 5.2.I changed my eating habits and my doctor put me on Metformin 500 mg twice a day. I give God the credit because I cannot do this without His help.My other motivation is I want to be around for a long time because I have a new grandson who is almost 5 months old,I want to be around for him and my kids.I am 62 years young and I am finally starting to feel good again!

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Lois Kearney
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Last activity on 07/13/2020 at 2:19 PM
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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@LIsaCo :Hey Lisa,I’m Lois.I’m 62 myself and started out a whopping 341. For me that’s huge because I had never been that big in my life. I’ve struggled with my weight all my life. When I was in seventh grade I was fat and boy the kids made fun of me, but what crushed me was my teacher called me fat stuff in front of the whole class. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. I can tell you’re unhappy with yourself the way you are, but I want to tell you that you are still a human being with heart and feelings. I also want to tell you that it’s not hopeless. I asked my doctor to put me on something to help me lose the weight and she did. I started losing the weight,I changed my eating habits, I learned how to read labels. I knew for me this was a do or die situation. My kids, Especially my son was concerned. He kept telling me mom I don’t want you to die in your early 60s, I didn’t want to die in my early 60s. But another thing that helps me is I have a new grandson who will be five months old this month and my son told me he wanted my grandson to be able to play with me, not have to hear stories about me. It’s a day by day thing, sometimes I get so hungry I want to eat everything I can put my hands on. I found out I have type two. I am very fortunate in that I have faith in God and the love and support of my friends and family. I want you to know that even though I’m new to this group, I have already discovered they are a Class A-bunch of people. Don’t give up, there is hope and number one is Jesus, but I want you to know that if you need somebody to talk to I am here for you and I mean that because I know what it is to be big and not feel good about yourself and not feel good physically, I know what it is for people to make comments about your size and I have learned To have compassion for people who are overweight. Sometimes people will forget that we are human too, that we have feelings and when they make those remarks whether to our face or behind our back it hurts and we almost want to give up on living. But I am a witness here to tell you there is hope and I want you to please promise me you’ll hang in there& We will all help you as much as we can. Now the biggest part of the battle is going to be up to you, but if you have the mindset that you want to do this you can and will all help you. I love you as a new friend and I want you to know everything’s gonna be alright!👍
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Lois Kearney
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Last activity on 03/03/2022 at 4:07 PM
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17 comments posted | 11 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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My name is Leah. I found out I was diabetic last August. My A1C was 15 and my glucose was in the 500's. I have gone from insulin to now taking oral meds. I have an odd question. What do you folks eat for snacks in-between meals when you are hungry?
Last activity on 07/19/2021 at 7:04 PM
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Last activity on 07/19/2021 at 7:04 PM
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Thank you for your kind and supportive words. I have been hard on myself and feeling alone. Your post gave me helpful hope. Thanks.
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Last activity on 07/13/2020 at 2:19 PM
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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@LIsaCo:You are most welcome. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you!

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Lois Kearney
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Last activity on 04/28/2021 at 7:22 PM
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5 comments posted | 5 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Hello, my name is April, and I’m so happy to be here - literally. Last August, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The news floored me. But I’m a fighter, so I told my oncologist that I was willing to do anything necessary to battle this disease. So, after surgery and six rounds of chemo, I’m so happy to announce that I was deemed cancer-free in February of last year. I celebrated by going on a cruise - just in time, before Corona became rampant. The ship was named Victory, and this was definitely mine.
Long story short, the steroids in my chemo premeds caused my glucose to skyrocket into the 600’s. Not only that, but they made me ravenous, and I was constantly eating. I told my doctor that I had cancer to deal with right now - I’ll deal with the diabetes when I’m better. What I didn’t know is that the chemo had caused nerve damage in my feet, causing me not to be able to go back to my job. I’m currently on Disability. And along comes Covid. Now I’m eating the worst foods out of sheer boredom. But last night I had an epiphany - I fought for my life with the cancer...how is the diabetes any different. So, I’m ready to fight once again. I have a ten year old granddaughter and I wanna be around for a long time, ya know? So, anyway, that’s my story. Thanks for accepting me. - OCwarrior (Ovarian Cancer Warrior)