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- I feel so lost - high BP and high BG. Over 250 each test and can't get it to go down
Patients Diabetes (Type 2)
I feel so lost - high BP and high BG. Over 250 each test and can't get it to go down
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Last activity on 12/22/2024 at 8:05 PM
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21 comments posted | 17 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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I feel very bad for you. You don't say what your blood sugar is.
My suggestion is that you go to the nearest medical drop-in center, immediately upon reading this. And be prepared to go to the hospital if that's what they tell you. I know, we all hate to to do that. No one wants to be sick. But you are, and your very life could be hanging in the balance. As soon as you read this, please, get in a car and go.
I don't know you. But my prayers and thoughts are with you. All the best.
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Last activity on 11/30/2023 at 1:25 AM
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30 comments posted | 24 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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@Raspberry is 250 you bg level fasting? That is very high and something may be wrong, especially if you are on medication that is not working.
Not taking BP medication because of negative effects is also a concern. Please take care of yourself and call your doctor who diagnosed you with diabetes. As @russell mentioned, playing it safe is always best and it seems like you are not able to control BP or Blood Sugar levels and seeking medical attention is the safest avenue.
Please follow up with us.
Last activity on 09/16/2019 at 7:40 PM
Joined in 2019
9 comments posted | 9 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Today was better 187 for a high. I'm taking BP medication. And taking two for diabetes insulin and pills. The BP is looking good. It's the sugar I need to get a handle on. It's been a week since I got diagnosed by my Dr. So I'm new and I'm learning what I can and can't eat. So I eat more veggies no fried no sugar only drinking water. I'm just trying to do the right thing. But it's do much information I feel lost.
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Last activity on 12/22/2024 at 8:05 PM
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21 comments posted | 17 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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When I said that you should get to a medical drop-in center, I thought that you were writing that your blood pressure was 250. I now think you meant your blood sugar. Sorry about that.
Again, I wish you the best. There's a lot to learn and absorb. Good luck!
Last activity on 09/16/2019 at 7:40 PM
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9 comments posted | 9 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Yes it was my sugar. My BP is doing good on the New Med.
Last activity on 11/06/2019 at 11:40 PM
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6 comments posted | 3 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
@Raspberry I wanted to follow up and see how you are doing. How is your BP doing now that you have been on the new medication? How has your glucose numbers been? Have you heard of the Keto diet? It is a high fat, low carb diet that can give you some ideas on meals, that way you won't feel as though you are eating the same things day in and day out. I know there is a lot to take in but try to take in the information in small chunks, so you don't get overwhelmed and stressed, this can raise you glucose too. I am speaking from experience, after I was diagnosed in 2007, I went into a panic mode, removing all sugars, carbs, pop, etc., but come to find out that was worse because the stress of doing things all at once put me in a tailspin. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Last activity on 09/16/2019 at 7:40 PM
Joined in 2019
9 comments posted | 9 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
I appreciate all of the support you have given. I think that's what's wrong with me I'm In overload. My BP is doing good. Lowest level I have gotten so far is 144 but I'm barely eating. Just salads twice a day with 1 steamed chicken tender and two tablespoons of fat free dressing. I only drink water. But I did find flavored water that has no calories. But I'm still getting these awful headaches. But I'm thinking it's coming from my Glaucoma. Insurance just kicked in so I'll find out about that too. I'm all screwd up😟. But I will get through it all.
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Last activity on 12/22/2024 at 8:05 PM
Joined in 2019
21 comments posted | 17 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Raspberry, I'm really concerned about your diet. And please ignore the comment about CuraLin. People shouldn't be pushing OTC (over the counter) stuff in here.
I saw a dietician who looked at my diet and said she was concerned about my protein, and to add a protein drink. Milk based drinks made me constipated. I found plant-based drinks with about 20 grams of protein, fiber, and low in net carbs (carbs minus fiber). They're not cheap, but I think you should add one a day. You can find them at pharmacies (Walgreens here has a better selection than my local CVS), and maybe Wal Mart.
I think you should add fish and eggs. Unfortunately, breading is out. But mayo should be OK for tuna salad and egg salad. Nuts are also a good addition to your diet. Peanuts are excellent. I buy celery sticks for dipping peanut butter and hummus, healthy foods and keeps carbs low.
And, please get to a dietician. You can't live on the diet as you described it.
Good luck!
Last activity on 08/17/2019 at 7:51 PM
Joined in 2019
1 comment posted | 1 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
i find oatmeal helps me.
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Last activity on 09/16/2019 at 7:40 PM
Joined in 2019
9 comments posted | 9 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
One week ago today I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Since the I can't control my sugar and I have had a Bad reaction from my BP medication. The lowest I have gotten my level is 177 but now it's over 250 every test. I'm barely eating because I don't know what to eat I have added more veggies uncooked and cooked I have had no fried foods no seasonings but I did manage to loose 2 pounds in a week. I will except any good advise please