Diabetes (Type 2) Forum

  •  4,182 members
  •  148 discussions

Start new discussions to share your experience on the impact of type 2 diabetes on your personal, family and professional life.

Patients Diabetes (Type 2)

Medical fact sheet

Diabetes (Type 2)

Medical fact sheet - article

Cause of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Type 2 diabetes treatment

Medical fact sheet - article

What is type 2 diabetes?

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article


Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Problems associated with type 2 diabetes

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 Living with type 2 diabetes

Does diabetes run in your family?

avatar CindiInNC

avatar Nick51

avatar Crzycatlady2024

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avatar esobcz01

avatar Denine37

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 Living with type 2 diabetes

What's your Type 2 Diabetes story? Let's share!

avatar CindiInNC

avatar vskharytiuk

avatar esobcz01

avatar asaan32

avatar Shenita

avatar Somya.P

 Living with type 2 diabetes

Have you experienced neuropathy?

avatar Nick51

avatar psbg123

avatar michaelaen

 Living with type 2 diabetes

Pain effects everywhere in my body

avatar asaan32

avatar LizziB

 Living with type 2 diabetes

Blood Glucose Monitors/Meters Information

avatar grandpapaul

avatar Asia01

avatar NikNik76

 Living with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes and ED - do you have this?

avatar bluesncards

avatar Gordon

avatar LizziB

avatar bluesncards

avatar sroth43

Give your opinion