Depending on the type of psoriasis, different parts of the body are affected in different ways.


Psoriasis is an inflammatory illness of the skin, which is generally characterized by thick patches (plaques) of scaly skin. It is estimated that between 2% and 4% of people in the Western world are affected by this skin disease.


Pustular psoriasis: 

This type is observed more frequently in adults. It is characterized by smooth pale-yellow pustules. This can occur anywhere on the body or just in a particular area (most frequently the palms of the hands and soles of the feet). 

Inverse psoriasis: 

This is located in the folds of the skin, such as the groin, the armpits and below the breasts. It appears in the form of red lesions caused by rubbing and perspiration, which can irritate these areas of the skin. 

Scalp psoriasis:

This is characterized by the presence of flaky skin on the scalp, which may initially be thought to be dandruff. However, this differs from simple dandruff in that it also involves skin lesions as well as the formation of red plaques. 

Guttate psoriasis: 

This type of psoriasis is the one most commonly suffered by children, and is also known as raindrop psoriasis. It is characterized by the presence of small drop-shaped pink patches, which give this illness its name. 

Nail psoriasis: 

This is characterized by red or orange patches with a ‘thimble-like’ appearance, as well as the detachment of the surface of the nail. 

Last updated: 10/31/19

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