Sleep apnea Forum

  •  4,318 members
  •  5 discussions

Discuss signs, symptoms and complications of sleep apnea.

Patients Sleep apnea

Medical fact sheet

Sleep apnea

 Symptoms and complications of sleep apnea

What is the one symptom or complication that is most troubling?

avatar Donnastom

avatar Toots72

avatar Nobighurry

 Symptoms and complications of sleep apnea

Nighttime urination

avatar Leon2023

avatar lisama

avatar Stonetree24

 Symptoms and complications of sleep apnea

Air in cheeks from CPAP

avatar Bdewing

avatar Courtney_J

avatar CAkid78

 Symptoms and complications of sleep apnea

Do you still snore with your CPAP machine on?

avatar karm!nR

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