Sleep apnea Forum

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  •  81 discussions

Thousands of people are waiting for you to chat on the Carenity forum dedicated to sleep apnea! This condition is common in people over 65 years of age. You will find information on masks, their comfort, other available treatments and the impact of sleep apnea on daily life.

Medical fact sheet

Sleep apnea

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I was very sleepy during the day and it started to affect my work. I did snore, but the biggest red flag was when we were on a road trip and whenever I drove, I fell asleep at the wheel. My husband insisted I see a sleep spe. During the sleep study, I stopped breathing 49 times an hour!! It took 3 onsite sleep studies to get the cpap machine adjusted.

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Good morning @majortom. Fantastic questions!! Happy to help. I'm also pretty new to living w CPAP machine. And, congrats on finally sleeping!! I tend to clean my tubing weekly, using dish detergent & cleaning vinegar + water. I wipe out face mask couple times a week, & Only use distilled water. Tried tap water, but learned minerals in that can hurt machine parts. The reservoir just needs to be emptied of last night's water, maybe wiping it dry ( I don't do that). I've been using CPAP therapy for a year or so, & still don't feel rested. Unsure why. Yet, again, congrats on getting solid, restful slumber.

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