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Need a friend to talk about mental illness
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Last activity on 05/03/2021 at 10:28 AM
Joined in 2021
25 comments posted | 7 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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@Broken I'm so sorry to hear you have to go through this. But I'm not surprised. My common law husband did it to me for 15 yrs. He would either ignore me or leave the house when he noticed my depression. Even when I was admitted for 72hrs due to a psychotic breakdown. He wasn't there for me the way I needed him too! I don't know your history with your boyfriend but what I do know is your headed for more disappointment and depression if you stay in the relationship. Are you happy with him AND the relationship? Because I am not trying to tell you what to do! But because I can relate to your pain, I want you to have the support that you need .Your boyfriend is the closest person to you right now.
Remember this group is here when you feel NOBODY cares. We care. Continue to be blessed ❤️
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Last activity on 08/08/2021 at 3:59 AM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 2 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
I just recently experienced my first real depression episode. I’m bipolar 1 and I always would get manic but never depressed. Well I felt so low and never imagined I could feel that way. I cried and grieved like I really lost someone to a death or something. I felt sad, lonely, scared and lots of mixed feelings. It was overwhelming and I lost my job over it. I ran out of my meds and decided to try to get off of them. Not a good idea. I am on Effexor, vraylar, and doxepin. It’s working good but still haven’t found a doctor to address my adhd. I have an appointment with a new doctor tomorrow so hopefully they help. My husband think it’s mind over matter and I could snap out of it if I want. Not much of a good support. I feel extremely lonely dealing with my mental problems. I also have a type of ocd disorder where I pick my skin. My arms are full of scars and wounds. Very embarrassing. So glad I can talk to you guys about all this. I don’t feel so alone anymore.
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Last activity on 06/29/2021 at 4:56 PM
Joined in 2020
14 comments posted | 13 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
@Ms.BK thank your I’m all so sorry to hear about what ur going through how do u deal with all of this I’d love me to hear ur opinion on this again thank u sometimes I feel like I’m at my whit and sometimes I’ feel like I’m losing it
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Valerie barnett
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Last activity on 05/03/2021 at 10:28 AM
Joined in 2021
25 comments posted | 7 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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@Teashalynn83 I also suffer from bi polar depression. For me I go though more depression than manic. And when I'm manic those are the times I experience anxiety. I've recently had to go have my meds adjusted because of depression. I've gone through depression episodes many times but this last one had me in a terrible emotional state. I felt NO JOY what so ever!
Please do not stop taking your meds. I've done it and learned my lesson. We start feeling better and thnk we don't need them. Or just take it Sometimes (going according to our mood).. I have read some post on here that I really can relate to. I use to think no one could possibly understand what I go through. I hope you find that this group will be helpful to you as well. I'm here if you ever want to message me or just reply to a comment. Be blessed ❤️
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Last activity on 05/03/2021 at 10:28 AM
Joined in 2021
25 comments posted | 7 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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@Broken Well....my husband and I split 8mos ago. And even though I miss him I DON'T miss the relationship. The relationship had become toxic and it was draining me mentally. I will not put all the blame on him because I admit that my mental illness DID play a big part in the mishaps of our relationship. Some of the things he would do OR say would set me off Sometimes. Things that he KNEW bothered me he would do it anyway! If I dare to address it then I was overreacting. He never showed me that he cared about my feelings. So in the end my illness fueled alot of feelings inside of me and I started treating him like shit!...I started treating him like that because he didn't care about me. He didn't show me that he cared.
Your relationship will not flourish if you're not getting the support. I'm just speaking from experience. You are trying to get better NOT feel worse. If you two love each other enough you can do therapy together. Educate your mate so he can understand. My husband always felt I was too sensitive or took things the wrong way. He just didn't understand. Please take care and put yourself FIRST! Find your joy.
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Last activity on 08/08/2021 at 3:59 AM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 2 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
Yes I already feel as though this group will help me. My husband has a hard time understanding mental illness. He kinda doesn’t believe in it I guess you can say. He believes it’s mind over matter. It frustrates me bc he’s very adhd. Every morning it’s a search for his keys. He leaves for work and forgets his wallet. He puts everything off til the last minute and more signs of adhd but will not take meds and that’s fine with me. But still frustrates me that he doesn’t see that mental illness is a serious condition. But This depression I went through I think opened his eyes a little. He makes sure I take my meds every morning now and realizes I need help or I’m a different person. But to have people really understand what you’re going through and go through it also helps me and makes me feel not so alone. My mom suffers bipolar depression and I never understood why she was so sad. Growing up she self medicated with drugs but now takes her meds. I finally understood what depression felt like 2 weeks ago when I went through it. I am always manic and never depressed so that was very different for me. I felt lost, lonely, and very scared. My doc was changing meds left and right. New doctor and she sucked! I have a new appointment in a few days with someone else. Hoping they put me back on ability. She has switch to vraylar. It doesn’t help with my mania. I’m a hot mess of mental Illnesses. I suffer with bipolar 1, adhd, social anxiety, and ocd. I take my meds for a long time and feel good and decide to stop taking them and see if I’ll be ok with out it and I always get manic. My mania Gets bad and I’ll go on shopping sprees with money I don’t even have. Putting it on credit cards. I just recently quit my job bc I was manic for a week or so. I will never again stop taking my meds. I have learned not to do that again. Believe me!!
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Last activity on 07/26/2024 at 11:40 PM
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4 comments posted | 2 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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I struggle daily with bipolar 1 disorder and anxiety disorder what's worst for me s the depressed side of bipolar. I know there is no cure but I'm just so tires of having it. So tires of meds work for a while then something has to be adjusted because it stops working.. I have had countless hours of therapy which helps somewhat but I always feel like life is just passing me by and I feel stuck in a fog. I feel all alone but in reality I know there are other people out there in this world that feel the same way I do. Maybe I need to hear from someone who understands
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Bettina E Hibbitts
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Last activity on 05/03/2021 at 10:28 AM
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25 comments posted | 7 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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@Slakpa07 I totally understand and can relate. You know you're not alone but you feel like you are. Everyone who goes through any kind depression can only see the dark side of anything. Nothing looks, sounds, or feels good to us when we're going through an episode.
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Last activity on 08/09/2021 at 12:37 AM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 1 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
Hi, I am struggling, my Dad died in Jan. My son turned 18 in Jan and he is a mentally handicapped son, so now I am finding out that he will live with me for the rest of his life or until I want to put him in an apt with help. It is so hard doing his paperwork to get adult SSI and it is hard, I have Bipolar 1 and PTSD, and PNES. I have friends but I don't think they understand where I am coming from and I just want to talk to someone.
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andrea c ryon
Last activity on 05/29/2021 at 7:13 PM
Joined in 2021
1 comment posted | 1 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
Will life ever get better; I just want normal; I don’t want much; I just want to not cry every day and feel like a loser. So many things in my past would take forever to tell. I am in constant fear with my anxiety and depression plus Body dysmorphic disorder. I stay in bed all the time and take sleep aids to sleep through the pain; I am on STD right now till July 5 due to a hysterectomy-I go back to work then- if I still have a job which is another thing to worry about
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Last activity on 08/02/2021 at 4:09 AM
Joined in 2020
3 comments posted | 1 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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Im in a rough spot in my life. Ive been suicidal for sometime now, not happy, lonely, helpless, tired, unmotivated and so on. Im trying to get help, i really am, but its so hard. Im not real sure what to do. If someone feels the way I do, or wants to reach out and help, please feel free too. I need all the help i can get