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Depression - I need someone to talk to
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Unregistered member
I feel this a lot, I've always felt what you've felt and people tell me I'm ways overreacting and I shouldn't have a reason to be upset or depressed.
Last activity on 05/14/2020 at 7:04 PM
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
I feel the same way you guys are feeling. I just had a baby 4 weeks ago. I had so many complications when giving birth to my son and no one was there for me. I cried for days in the hospital and no one wanted to understand that I need my family there with me. I’m usually the strong one and my family just expects me to be strong all the time and it sucks. Also my husband really doesn’t encourage me. He just likes to bring up everything I do wrong and when I feel bad about it he doesn’t get why. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Unregistered member
I need help right now I don't know what to do I'm scared I have been depressed

Unregistered member
My husband has been physicall, emotionally and mentally abusing me. we are separated right now but I'm scared what he is gonna do to himself he has tried to attempt suicide and relaspe on drugs and I'm scared what is going to do to me too. Like humiliate me on social media. And he has threaten me with that before. I can't go to sleep.i need someone to talk too
Good advisor
Last activity on 12/03/2021 at 5:54 PM
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
1 of their responses was helpful to members
Good Advisor
Talk away 💜 I have been there and it is far from easy. Sounds like he needs help honestly. One thing though, a person who is high or drunk, still follows their compass. They are simply less willing to listen to the good voice inside themselves.
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Unregistered member
Hi im new here. im akways getting put down yelled at and emotionaly abused by my own mom idk what to do or how to control everything she dosent understand derpestion i have been wanting to harm myself and i want it all to stop please help me give me some advice please

Unregistered member
@maddierice2 Hey, I too have trouble with the way my mom talks to me sometimes. It’s extremely hard because everyone wants to be accepted and encouraged by their own mother right? You just have to try and ignore her negativity and talk to a positive and encouraging friend. Coming here was the right decision! There are so many people out there who would love to help you, like me! Sometimes people put others down because they are insecure or going through a hard time. You aren’t the problem. Keep your head up!:)

Unregistered member
my confidence and my selfasteam are really really low it all started in my Lit and film class we are suposed to have a partner and peer edit out resarch paper well no one wanted to work with me and my teacher wont even come over to look at my paper im all alone in a corner doing it on my own trying not to cry
Last activity on 10/01/2024 at 6:17 PM
Joined in 2019
1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
I am confused and scared lately about how I have been feeling about my life , I am extremely depressed. I have been dealing with type 2 diabetes for years , I hate taking pills and injections, In some ways I just want to stop and not take anything .. I have chronic arthritis which makes me feel even older . I am 66 and lost any desire to do anything . I have a husband who thinks of himself first . I just feel lost
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Penny Lee OWENS
Last activity on 01/14/2020 at 12:12 PM
Joined in 2020
1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
I’m a 57 yr old woman. I have 2 adult children. I had a stroke in 2018 with a brain bleed on both sides of my brain, recovered fairly well from that. Spent a couple of months in the hospital. But when I got out I found out my youngest child had overdosed on heroin , survived ,but that was the first of a long line of problems. My oldest child had let the youngest move into my apartment because after the o.d resulted in a break up with the spouse and they had no where to go and having to leave the 1 month old baby with the other parent , so they moved in with the oldest child at the time. That turned into a disaster which resulted in me having to take custody of a 3 yr old. Spent the next few months while I was supposed to be recovering, taking my grandchild to get caught up on Dr and Dentist appts and running in and out of court. The month after I was awarded permanent custody I had an AFib attack and had to have a stent put into both sides of my heart. Recovered from that. Then I find out my youngest that had the o.d is HIV positive. All my friends have passed away , my mother too. I have nobody to talk to about anything. I only have my grandchild and very grateful I have him ,but I’m tired, I’ve had a long hard life and feel like when is it going to end. I do have my Faith and that’s the only thing that’s keeping me going. I ‘m doing the best I can ,but I carry a lot of guilt and blame myself for everything. I don’t sleep well, I worry about everything. I fear I might have another stroke or a heart attack. My oldest child has a job that requires a lot of travel so I don’t get to have a lot of meaningful conversations with them. I just need somebody to unload on at times ,but I don’t have a therapist or a counselor because I don’ t have a car to go see one and no public transportation where I live at. I don’t know where to turn for 𝐻𝑒𝓁𝓅.
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Last activity on 11/08/2020 at 3:24 PM
Joined in 2019
2 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
A lot of times I think everything around me is my fault. It’s sort of a trigger if I think it’s my fault and I just shit down completely. When I tell people this they don’t believe me. I don’t like how I feel, I cry a lot and nobody likes to talk to me about anything. I always feel alone, a lot of people say I’m very happy and positive but I don’t feel that on the inside nomatter how much I am smiling on the outside. I’m empty.