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- MS: How do you manage the emotional highs and lows?
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MS: How do you manage the emotional highs and lows?
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Last activity on 03/10/2025 at 7:33 PM
Joined in 2023
537 comments posted | 15 in the Multiple sclerosis Forum
18 of their responses were helpful to members
Good Advisor
Hello everyone,
Living with MS can be emotionally exhausting, from the uncertainty of it to the physical symptoms and their impact on daily life. It’s natural to have moments of discouragement, but it’s also so important to find ways to appreciate the fleeting moments of well-being.
@KittyKat1 @jeaninemiller60 @Chuckbabu @camsmama1202 @ClaireGarcia @Tenneka1987 @violetwholt939 @Sundrop @Mistylide2018 @Steve67 @Bellmari94 @lyoung_1967yahoo.com @trinkal1984 @mlyons7961 @Leana1 @Fialkora @LynneBrush @MSgirl @Nicoleulin @lovescience81 @godawgs22 @Nxlevel @069lisa @Orkababy23 @wjewels82274 @Alisapruett @RubyDarling @Jtudino @DeannaLynne @KittyKat24 @PaulaPughRomanaux @CarolynFlint17 @Marque @jjhallett01 @Jen1978 @Rgardnr @Christina @Debra1974 @Lingrasci @Marc13 @Chiara31 @Ezepeda87 @Lmurray @Lstukenberg @Robroncos52 @BlueRain @LBraun @Mleetx @TamiHelen @JoyLeBaron @scbuckman @snowwhite3 @Lydia65 @Kimmie742479 @John64 @tm8248 @Peruvian @Chezfaye @Coco15 @acharpen @Lourdesp @MsGheryll @Bernadette528 @Mklien @LDRegert @Lolopez @SHELLYZ68 @Cfox1957 @JonniM @AnneMarie @Dprice79 @Clichon @Mandee916 @Natheaton @Nholbr @Cdbarbosa @Debmoran @Brighton95 @JKitch @Emiladine @CristinaYesenia @Ronnie123 @Mtootle74 @Tracylct @Jennlrose826 @Sueof3 @Morgandr @Msteuber @DMHick @Robsmom @Julissam @KimberlyDana @ELF1302 @Juliew19673 @Totiebug99 @RessieBare02 @Firecracker @Langleton @Kimmd4144 @mredfern
How do you manage the emotional rollercoaster that comes with MS? Do you have any tips for taking care of your mental and emotional health?
Your stories can be a great source of support for those facing tough times. 💬💙
Take care and talk soon,
Somya from the Carenity team 🌼