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remedies for constipation
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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Hi @Mayfair
Sorry to hear about your bowel issues.
I'll tag some of the members of our MS community here, hopefully someone will share some feedback.
@sleehickey @RichardBurr @TheodoreMiller1 @dionisa71 @Carmen2001 @Racquel25 @Krusty @Solrick2017 @PSam96 @Soncek2 @Jleakg01 @1ladyjewel @SCOREKEEPER @Truddell02 @Swanker61 @Itsnotmeitshim @Armywifecfms6675 @ArturK @rgoldsmith @LindyWhitedove @MSlupuswarrior @vonstar28 @tinawest9877 @Nicki21 @JennaGreen @HrlyBabe4 @KylanP @Scotlind99 @Ldough @carolesims @Sueamy @JMARTINEZ
Hi all, is there anything you could recommend @Mayfair ?
Thanks a lot!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 08/03/2024 at 11:11 PM
Joined in 2019
2 comments posted | 2 in the Multiple sclerosis Forum
Hi, Constipation is always a challenge. Im vegan yet still suffer chronic constipation . If you can tolerate milk of magnesia it acts pretty quickly. Also, magnesiium supplements might help but make sure with doctor that its okay. Ground flax or chia seeds are a good way to get fiber and omega oils.
My biggest fault is slowing down on water intake. If you make part of you fluids probiotic , even better. I was making kombucha which really helps constipation. Now I just dilute with lots of water so I can avoid extra sugar. If you eat kim chee, pickles , sauerkraut or other femented veggies you can get that probiotic. Yogurt, plant-based in my case, is another go to that helps when my digestive tract bogs down.
Hope you find a solution or so, best to you! i
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Last activity on 07/03/2022 at 1:20 PM
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6 comments posted | 4 in the Multiple sclerosis Forum
Hi, does anyone have any advice? I often get constipated and have very slow bowel movements, I try to drink as much water as I can during the day, and my diet has enough fiber in it, to my mind, so I can't really see why this is happening. I started having problems with bowel movements a couple of years ago, it has been on and off really, I tried laxatives for a while then stopped, I am now on gabapentin and got bloating issues on top of everything. ANy advice? thank you!