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Do you have a Bucket List?
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Last activity on 10/13/2019 at 5:55 AM
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27 comments posted | 1 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
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I do not have parkinson's, but focal dystonia.
My bucket list includes the ability to travel to Europe, India, and Israel; moving into a nice condo; becoming content and happy with what lie has dealt me; and going back to school to get my masters.

Unregistered member
Hello Movin_on, I am Type 2 diabetic and I also think about the many things that I have wanted to do in my life that I haven't due to depression and the lack of energy, work etc. I always get laughs when I say that i would like to be a farmer, more so for the peace and relaxation that I get when I toil the ground and plant vegetables, fruits and the like, I mainly enjoy growning food to give to the local homeless shelters and nursing homes and the like, I enjoy having chickens around, Im just a country girl by heart I guess.. When i was a kid I always wanted to be a missionary, then Life happened and I went down a different path, but i still would like to fulfill that childhood dream...I would love to spend at least 2 weeks by the ocean in some part of Ireland and wake up the the beautiful greenery and just walk along the waters edge barefoot without a care in the world.. Lastly I would love to change my career to something that I could be enormously happy doing for the rest of my life!!! Thanks for letting me share🙂

Unregistered member
Hi Cuppie333 here, and what's on my Bucket List? I do have many things I want to do before Jehovah comes for me,but number uno would be to fly up in a hot air balloon! These have always fascinated me for some reason,most likely the freedom of flying in the air! And I don't want to forget to see the Grand Canyon since I live so close but have no way to get there(no car,no license) That's a pretty good start for someone who has multiple health issues !
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Last activity on 08/17/2023 at 12:20 AM
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Hi @movin_on this is something I've been thinking about lately as well - not so much as a "Bucket List" just goals or milestones I'd like to hit - but haven't been abel to because of my depression and anxiety. Sometimes it feels like I am being robbed of my days. I would say that something that gives me hope is the ability to someday roadtrip to all the national parks. It doesn't seem particularly great or anything but I've always wanted to go on a roadtrip.
Last activity on 01/16/2020 at 4:09 AM
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6 comments posted | 2 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
I want to hike the Appalachian trail and go salmon fishing.
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Heather R Mellott
Last activity on 08/17/2020 at 5:26 PM
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4 comments posted | 2 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
Hi Movin_On , I have severe Essential Tremors and Major Depressive Disorder. The tremors greatly impact my socialization as I get anxious in new situations ,which in turn causes my hands and head to shake noticeably and uncontrolled, which in turn makes me super self conscious. However, I do have a bucket list. Some day I would love to travel to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand ,Australia and back to Sweden.Thanks for asking!
Last activity on 01/30/2023 at 3:45 PM
Joined in 2019
10 comments posted | 1 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
@Oweemytoe Wow that sounds like my dream trip too! I'd love to do a tour around the UK and Ireland. But if I can't do that I've also always wanted to jump out of a plane. I saw one of the veterans do it last year at the D-Day beaches in France on D-Day and it looked like a thrill
Last activity on 08/17/2020 at 5:26 PM
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4 comments posted | 2 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
@forgetfultom , ha! I have always wanted to do the tandem sky diving. Where you are attached to a seasoned jumper and I have always wanted to try the indoor skydiving too. How about you?
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Last activity on 12/31/2022 at 4:04 PM
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15 comments posted | 1 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
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Bucket list.. Hmmm I think I will put some thought into making one. Then actually doing the things on my list. Thank you for your inspiration.
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Last activity on 10/19/2023 at 5:45 AM
Joined in 2021
16 comments posted | 1 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
Hello, I have actually been talking about making me a bucket list.. I’d love to see the ocean and check out where Elvis was born. Drive up the coast of California. Thanks for posting. 💕
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Last activity on 03/07/2023 at 12:21 PM
Joined in 2018
12 comments posted | 1 in the Nervous system diseases Forum
Hello everyone,
You can call me movin_on. I am diagnosed with Parkinson's.
For those of you who may not be familiar with this term, a Bucket List is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying.
I have been doing a lot of thinking, and although I do not think I am coming near the end of my life, I have came to the realization that I have let many years pass by due to my depression, pain, and symptoms / limits. Yes my physical limits and symptoms are horrible, but I think it has been the depression that has limited me much more and the depression stems from those symptoms and pain, but ultimately it is depression.
I feel if I just get my depression taken care of, I can do so much more, so I am going to work on this.
But... anyways... this comes to me discussing a Bucket List. I do not have one at this time, but I have done some soul searching and thinking about activities and things I want to do and see before the day comes! I do not want to let more time pass by.
I would love to hear from you!
What is on your bucket list? Have you done anything yet that is on it?
Has your condition affected your perspective of the present and future?