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- How did your love story happen? ❤️
How did your love story happen? ❤️
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Last activity on 03/25/2025 at 12:18 AM
Joined in 2021
2 comments posted | 1 in the Life beyond illness group
I met my husband in our later years. I was having knee problems and found out I have advanced RA
I was 💔 but my boy friend just put his arms around me and said, together we can deal with anything. That was 20 years ago, I am now 80 and still going. He does so much so that I can save my energy for my art and family. I am so blessed
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Last activity on 03/28/2025 at 6:41 PM
Joined in 2023
559 comments posted | 15 in the Life beyond illness group
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Hello everyone! 😊
It’s Valentine’s Day, and what better time to celebrate love and show appreciation for our partners? 💕 Love stories come in all shapes and sizes, some are unexpected, some take time to grow, and some feel like fate. Whether you’ve been together for years or just found love recently, every relationship has a beautiful story behind it.
How did you and your partner meet? Was it love at first sight or a slow-burning connection?
What’s one moment in your relationship that you’ll never forget?
How are you celebrating (or how would you like to celebrate) Valentine’s Day?
@Dealonpill @Deannaw @DebbieH @Debbiem @Debc7378 @DebiD1957 @Deborahsmith620 @DebraBeyer @Debsue53 @dee450 @Deea9899 @Deeann @Deepak4560 @DejonMuller @Delanywud @delawaremoney @Delko72 @Delz6372 @Demp4000 @Denine37 @denise10 @Deonsgirl1127 @deppstand @desiree7799 @DesiStarr23 @Desmdebbie @Dezzyb @dfvsdsvsdf @Dholmes723 @DiabeticGammi @Diabeticmom @DianeMiller @DianneKlein @Digimontus @DinaNash @Directorpressman @Disin223 @divineayeh @dkstine @DmytroDir @docein @DocShoe @DodgeL @DollyAndrews @donaldcoomer28 @DonaldEaton @DonLeBlanc @donmamoris @DonMLeBlanc @Donna77 @Donna81 @DonnaFoley @DonnaLee @DonnaRobin @Donnastom @Donnierae @donnnamorris07 @DopeyDebra @Dorene @dorothyconnor @dotzzz @Doug_RVA @Douglaskenzi @dovm87 @Dr.WhoPeggygmail.com @dreadfulmap @dreambeliever31 @drikkwa @DrPlantel @Drulie @dschal2002 @Dscill @DumbleJum
Let’s take a moment to share the love and appreciation for the special people in our lives! ❤️✨
Take care,
Somya from the Carenity team 🌼