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- 42 discussions
Start new discussions to share your experience on the impact of type 1 diabetes on your personal, family and professional life.
Living with type 1 diabetes
Diabetes & smartphones: FDA issues a warning 📱⚠️
Living with type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes: How do stress and mood affect your blood sugar?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes and the 'dawn phenomenon': How do you handle it?
Living with type 1 diabetes
What is the most frustrating or difficult aspect of living with type 1 diabetes?
Living with type 1 diabetes
What is your Type 1 Diabetes story? Let's share!
Living with type 1 diabetes
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for type 1 diabetes: What do you think?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes and high blood pressure
Living with type 1 diabetes
Is Type 1 Diabetes Considered a Disability?
Living with type 1 diabetes
What's your insulin to carb ratio?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Worrying about giving my child diabetes type 1
Living with type 1 diabetes
Food and the Holidays... What do you do?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Diet and type 1 diabetes
Living with type 1 diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes and the Coronavirus - questions, concerns, precautions?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19: Returning to work?
Living with type 1 diabetes
What complications have you experienced because of type 1 diabetes?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Increasing running distance with diabetes and insulin
Living with type 1 diabetes
What was your fasting/waking blood glucose level?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Severe nocturnal hypoglycemia
Living with type 1 diabetes
Do you ever experience bad temper with your diabetes?
Living with type 1 diabetes
Randomly Shaking? Anyone else have this symptom?