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- Is the Black Plague connected to your chronic illness?
Is the Black Plague connected to your chronic illness?
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11/21/2022 at 9:30 AM
Last activity on 12/13/2022 at 5:24 AM
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Is crusted scabies related to autoimmune disorder? How do you treat?. Lm
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Hi everyone,
How are you today?
I just read this very interesting article about how researchers think that there may be a link between today's chronic illnesses and the Black Plague. The genes that helped your ancestors survive the plague are the same genetic variants that are associated with certain autoimmune disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
“A hyperactive immune system may have been great in the past but in the environment today it might not be as helpful,” said Hendrik Poinar, an anthropology professor at McMaster and another senior author.
Does this put your condition into a different light? Do you think your genes today will cause your future generations' bodies to develop another disease? Or perhaps, be resilient to another plague?
I'm going to tag some friends from our Crohn's RA and lupus communities to weigh in and let us know what you think about this article!
@AnneStan @GigiSmilez @Kprice8529 @Debgaudy @Stepb1 @Shanar @Pixiestyx @JoinerD @Nylahkay21 @Twettybird @apriljaycox @Heyzil @amyrose @Bijoux @gmail.com @Jzagorski @ac8 @Taniya @NonnieCoffey @AlexHR712 @Cindyburnsxo @ShannonQ1 @MiraCN12 @RussSportsFan23 @Shelpots @kimber003 @LoriParry @Jenn40258 @Mband5003 @Geeisme @kellyannbartlett @LJNMSW @dhann5 @Shearpain @paulakasson @Jerryg @SheliaWalden @nancydrew88
Take care,
You might have Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus because your ancestor survived the Black Death, study says
A team examined ancient DNA from the bones of Black Death survivors and found four genes associated with modern disorders.