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How has prostate cancer impacted your mental health?
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I made the decision to have my proste removed and it was not an easy time... just as hard as finding out you had prostate cancer... I was advised by my doctors the surgery was the best option because of my age and the harmful affects of radiation longterm. For me, once I made the decision, I did have the peace of mind knowing that the actual cancer was "removed" instead of just treated... which, I guess, did give me some sense of comfort.
The biggest issue for me once the surgery was done and I was on the road to recovering was the effects it had on me emotionally/psychologically, which many people in my opinion overlook. I encourage anyone and everyone, when diagnosed with prostate cancer, before and after treatment and during, to seek psychological help... there is nothing wrong with it. Medications, counseling, and just talking about your feelings can help tremendously. Do not hold it all in and try to battle the anxiety and depression because this diagnosis will affect you, no matter how strong you may consider yourself to be.
The sexual effects treatment has on you will also affect you mentally, because your sexual ability and ability to have kids will likely be affected. Your performance ability can be likely fixed, but it can still affect you mentaly. Take care of yourself.
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I made the decision to have my proste removed and it was not an easy time... just as hard as finding out you had prostate cancer... I was advised by my doctors the surgery was the best option because of my age and the harmful affects of radiation longterm. For me, once I made the decision, I did have the peace of mind knowing that the actual cancer was "removed" instead of just treated... which, I guess, did give me some sense of comfort.
The biggest issue for me once the surgery was done and I was on the road to recovering was the effects it had on me emotionally/psychologically, which many people in my opinion overlook. I encourage anyone and everyone, when diagnosed with prostate cancer, before and after treatment and during, to seek psychological help... there is nothing wrong with it. Medications, counseling, and just talking about your feelings can help tremendously. Do not hold it all in and try to battle the anxiety and depression because this diagnosis will affect you, no matter how strong you may consider yourself to be.
The sexual effects treatment has on you will also affect you mentally, because your sexual ability and ability to have kids will likely be affected. Your performance ability can be likely fixed, but it can still affect you mentaly. Take care of yourself.
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@Lee__R thank you for your unselfishness I learned something from your post and thx again
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@Lee__R It is very useful that you raised such issues as libido and penis size because such issues are so intimate and definitive of how a man views himself. Such issues require a brotherhood of support.
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@Lee__R Does anyone have information about the drugs Flomax or Tomasulin which may be the reason I have no seminal emission since taking this drug? I am desperate to find professional and competent treatment for male urological problems. With the lack of treatment for my prostate problems, I do not any confidence that I will be treated for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Please contact me if you are a man who has received appropriate professional treatment for male urological and cancer issues. I particularly need to get medical treatment in Columbia, Maryland, between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD.
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Last activity on 03/20/2025 at 6:13 PM
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Patient, Prostate cancer since 2025
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@Perrie123 Find the closest NCC to you, might be Johns Hopkins. I was on Flomax before surgery and had no issues with semen. Make sure you are taking with a qualified urologist that has experience with prostate cancer.
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Last activity on 03/20/2025 at 8:33 PM
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I have just been Diagnosed with Prostate ..it is taking it's toll on me mentally..I go in for a Prostatectomy on July 2nd, 2019...Iam scared ..,Gleason was 4+3 7 .only on one lobe but Dr says we need to just be sure and take it all out..radiation not a option ..I have stones as well....could block getting all the cancer cells. Appeared contained to the Prostate..don't know until he goes in and sees Robotic surgery.. I could really use some up shoring up!.
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Frank T McAllister

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The actual surgery isn’t as bad as it appears. There are a few unpleasant side effects (incontenence and maybe ED) but they get better with time. Don’t expect things to happen on a time line because everyone is different and our bodies react differently; just try to be patient.
Seek out a PC support group. Some hospitals have these free groups to talk out your concerns and frustrations. There are many men that you probably know that have PC but they don’t talk about it. Don’t be apprehensive to reach out and talk; it’s the best think to do psychologically.
Begin doing your Kegal exercises now and get out and walk. Walking after surgery helps as well. Build up to at least 2 miles, but take your time in doing so. Try to stay active and do not isolate yourself from your loved ones and the public. It’s very easy want to do isolate yourself, but you don’t need this; it isn’t good for you.
I had my surgery 9/2017. It is true that I had several frustrating days, but I made it through and so will you. Overcome the mind (which is the difficult part) and stay active physically.
If by chance you have a recurrence after your surgery, stay positive and allow people to support you. (I had a recurrence 11/2018 and had to have radiation therapy along with ADT)
You can do this. It is a little scary, but you are strong and can survive this. Stay positive and tell yourself you are going to kick PC’s behind.
Last activity on 03/20/2025 at 8:33 PM
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Thanks Ray
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Frank T McAllister

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I have been in the spot you are and it’s a difficult spot. But I can say that it’s only a bump in the road, just continue to press forward.
If I can help, I will try to be here.
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Last activity on 12/29/2022 at 11:41 AM
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i lknow i am a bit late to this but just want to reiterate that i am grateful for sensitive topis being brought up esepcially in regards to libido and sex drive and want to thank @prostatecnr for bringing up that there is no shame in seeking professional help and support to deal with life after diagnosis, treatment, surgery etc. like @Lee__R said it is so much more than just the physical aspects and a lot to do with mental wear-down so thanks. i myself am in therapy and also a local very small support group comprised of two other men , we do not meet regularly but the few times we do it really helps to get together and just vent.

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Remain positive, you will get better. Get out and move around, I exercise every morning and it helps you feel better about yourself. We have all been where you have been, scared, nervous, depressed. I wish you the best
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Hello everyone,
When people talk about cancer, it is generally focused around the physical aspect of cancer; however, there is much more that cancer affects than a person's physical well-being.
With prostate cancer, it can impact a man's libido, penis size, penis function, appetite, skin, and much more. With all of the symptoms of prostate cancer and adverse impacts it can have on a man's health, a man's mental health is often affected, as well as even overlooked or not addressed.
This discussion is where men and caregivers can come and discuss how prostate cancer has affected your mental health: do you suffer from depression or anxiety, in what ways has prostate cancer affected your mental health, does it bother your sleep? how do you cope or take care of your mental health? Do you feel this condition has led to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Discuss and conversate with others and share your story and experiences.