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Could mold be causing your sleep apnea?
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Last activity on 04/21/2024 at 8:17 PM
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603 comments posted | 4 in the Sleep disorders Forum
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Hi @majortom
How are you doing today?
I'm glad to hear that your neighbor's sleep apnea has gotten better. That seems like an easy enough fix. Have you discovered mold being a link to your sleep apnea?
I'll tag a few other people and see if they have had experiences with mold and how they handled it.
@Mmarcotte1205 @Stevehansen @Mamarhonda55 @Tekaellistd @Naomiella @MrsMaryS @Flabacker @CSANDE27 @Angela462981 @Carneylake @Lalalou @Kimmmy @grharw @Hot.wire1057 @Scott53 @Lenapearl @diana1964 @mlmoorede52 @Netizen73 @skussow52 @Mimi26 @John1959 @Tiredtoday @Leighann0513 @Jamessgirl3 @LynneM @Ionosphere @Sandyn @Shandy_g2 @srsours @LastHorse @Wboothe3 @Rosolyn @sroth43 @dgrieser53 @Scoopswa @Thefarmgal664 @Wsaction @tlsnow @Joanmarie @Losleybas @Zoeydog88 @SilverQ @Saraleecamb @CYNDISIGN @HAPP61 @KarenS @Deebra1659 @Bouttem @Gailmarie1988 @89ahiBiPap @Czechprincess @LadyPeace @Zagorsk51 @chrisburch49 @Plmathfoto @BarbCorbett @Hatterasman @linedkitty @DaisyMay
What do you think? Have your tried checking your surroundings as a cause of your illness? Have you ever had a mold problem ? How did you discover it? Did your illness get better once you were away from the mold?
Feel free to add any comment as it relates to this situation!
Take care,
Lizzi from the Carenity team
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@LizziB I do not believe that my Apnea is in any way connected to mold exposure. However, I was diagnosed with moderate to severe apnea about 5 years ago. Also having COPD (for over 15 - 20 years), I had a severe exacerbation which put me in the hospital for a few days in December, 2023. One of the tests they ran on me was on a sputum sample. A week after leaving the hospital, the test came back positive for a common form of black mold (Aspergillus Niger). A follow up with the Pulmonologist ordered an upcoming CT Scan and told me that he does not treat for mold and to go see the Infectious Disease Specialist. My next follow up was with the Allergy/Asthma Dr. who had a comprehensive blood work up on allergens ordered. That test came back positive for Aspergillus Fumigatus, another common mold. Aspergillus fumigatus is a fungus of the class Eurotiomycetes and is widespread in nature. Both forms of these molds are found in soil, decaying vegetation, air-conditioning and heating systems, and household items. It forms hardy spores (microscopic particles) that can survive for a long time. You could get infected by breathing these spores. This fungus doesn't grow and cause diseases if you have a healthy immune system. Aspergillus fumigatus is considered an opportunistic organism. It has low virulence (ability to cause damage) and causes disease only in some circumstances, like: A severely weakened state caused by sickness, poor nutrition, advanced age, etc. , Immunosuppression by diseases or medicines, or Implants use, such as prosthetic devices.
At the follow up with the Infectious Disease Specialist, they advised me the these mold findings do not need any further treatment since my past CT Scans show no signs of lung damage from them. The only recommendation from them was to continue to monitor with regular visits to the Pulmonologist and annual CT Scans, and to have the RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Vaccine administered.
As a side note, since these molds were found in my lungs and blood sampling, I did have the apartment management complete some repairs in my unit. One of the bathroom shower stalls had evidence of water leaking into the wall through the tile. They removed and replaced three rows of tiles, backerboard, waterproofing, etc., but found no mold. Today they had the AC vendor come out and clean all of the supply air ducts (which has not been done in at least 4 years). The source of my mold was not verified, but at least I have removed two potential sources of it.
Thank you for the opportunity to pass on my comments and recent experiences with this subject. Understanding that in adults, the most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is excess weight and obesity, which is associated with the soft tissue of the mouth and throat. During sleep, when throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed, this soft tissue can cause the airway to become blocked. I have not found any studies linking mold exposure to Sleep Apnea.
Thanks again,
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Gordon Harvey
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Last activity on 04/21/2024 at 8:17 PM
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603 comments posted | 4 in the Sleep disorders Forum
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Hi @Gordon
Thank you for sharing your story. You have a lot of experience on this subject. I am also glad that you shared what household improvements you did where mold is likely to grow.
Take care,
Lizzi from the Carenity team
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5 comments posted | 1 in the Sleep disorders Forum
Hi all
My neighbor was just telling me about how he recently got a new mattress and his sleep apnea went away. He deduced that it was mold that was causing his symptoms? Evidently his mattress had water damage from a leaky roof and it took him some time to finally get around to replacing it.
Crazy that something like that could cause sleep apnea. Has anyone else heard this or experienced mold causing chronic illnesses?