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- I've had trouble with bipap machine, anyone have the mouthpiece or surgery where no mask is needed done?
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I've had trouble with bipap machine, anyone have the mouthpiece or surgery where no mask is needed done?
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Last activity on 08/18/2024 at 2:37 AM
Joined in 2023
1 comment posted | 1 in the Sleep disorders Forum
I have, very thankfully, adjusted to using my BiPAP, but was fitted for a dental appliance designed for apnea. A little history into my diagnosis of sleep apnea would be beneficial, so about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with an ahi of 89. Approximately 70% of that was OSA and the remaining 30% was CSA. The BiPAP has done a wonderful job this far with the OSA, but I feel it has worsened my CSA. So I went on the search for alternatives. The dental appliance was easy to get, ASD (American Sleep Dentistry) handled most of the hassle. The first couple nights with the dental appliance was a learning curve, but I experienced severe mouth, jaw, and tooth pain in the morning. I used it about a week and was told they could re-mould my appliance, but it would not prevent jaw pain as I have an overbite. Upon reading up on these types of dental appliances I found they can, over time, change the structure and bite of your jaw. If this happened I would not be able to chew due to my teeth not meeting in the back when my front teeth is together. So, with all that said, it sits on my nightstand for nights when I struggle with my BiPAP due to allergies, colds, COVID, etc. I personally, would never recommend one, but that's me.
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Last activity on 01/18/2024 at 11:44 PM
Joined in 2023
1 comment posted | 1 in the Sleep disorders Forum
Can't get comfortable with the bipap machine etc.. I've seen alternative ways to deal with the sleep apnea, a mouth piece or a surgery where you can hook something up to your chest. Was wondering if any one tried either of these, and if so, did it work for someone needing a bipap machine and did they also get rid of snoring?