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Do I have a sleep disorder?
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Well I dont know you but I applaud you on your success. You come a long way..I believe I have sleep apnea caused right now it's 3:12 am, and I'm up can't sleep, My granddaughter and sleeps with me and we both up she is 7.I tossed and turns all night,I'm even on oxygen and I still can't sleep.I also believe I'm depressed about something but can't tell you what about..I also snore so bad and snortsi need so much help...
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Last activity on 02/26/2024 at 12:37 AM
Joined in 2018
48 comments posted | 1 in the Sleep disorders Forum
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@Jackson1 I'm obviously not a doctor, but dry mouth can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Do you notice yourself waking up gasping for breath or snoring very loudly? Have you thought about seeing a sleep specialist or a ENT?
Last activity on 03/20/2021 at 1:11 AM
Joined in 2020
7 comments posted | 1 in the Sleep disorders Forum
If you can, plan to have a sleep study. For the vertigo, Which I also have (maybe there is a connection) I went for PT and have exercises to help me. The ENT diagnosed me with a Vestibular weakness. The exercises do help. Using the Resmed machine does contribute to dry mouth. I am also a mouth breather. I have trouble, when the Bipap pressure in increased the masks leak. I have tried all the masks. Now I am looking into the implant and asking if anyone but Snoreman has one and how well do they work. The machine helps some but if I am constantly awake by the air leaking from the mask, I end up tired. Also I can't sleep on my sides due to hip and arthritis problems so I put some blocks under my headboard and sleep with a pile of pillows behind me and a knee pillow. Hope my sharing is helpful to someone.
Anyone else with the implant, will you please share your experiences with me/
Stay safe and as healthy as possible.

Suspended account
Hi, I had been suffering from sleeplessness for a few months, but zopiclone has helped me. You can change your sleeping habits to relieve headaches, tension, and anxiety. Zopiclone is available at a moderate cost from the [link removed by an administrator for violation of community standards] pharmacy.
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Last activity on 11/07/2024 at 3:21 AM
Joined in 2020
32 comments posted | 1 in the Sleep disorders Forum
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Hello everyone. I believe that I have a sleep disorder? Well I know that I don't sleep well at all. I may have sleep apnea? I can't sleep laying on my back and if I lay on my right side i can't breathe well through my nose and if I lay on my left side I get heartburn also I'm a mouth breather and I get very bad dry mouth when I sleep and all of this is taking a toll on me physically and mentally, I don't mean to but I get frustrated with people who haven't done anything wrong and louder voices and noises give me a bad headache also I have vertigo for about a month now I've been taking the medication for it but it doesn't seem to be working! Sometimes I just stay home and cry! That's hard for me to admit. I also am a member of AA and I just received my 17 year medallion a friend of mine and my daughter and two grandchildren showed up to say something special at the presentation and my daughter wouldn't admit it but I know that she was high on something? It was embarrassing and besides that I had many people who say that they're my friends but not 1 of them stood up for me and said something which hurt very much! I know that sounds like self pity and maybe it is? But I just wanted on my special occasion to feel special and if it wasn't for my 2 beautiful grandchildren I might've drank that night. I have so much to share with you but I feel like I'm being intrusive and taking up your time. I apologize and thank you for putting up with me