Psoriasis: "I am still optimistic despite my condition!"
Published Jan 26, 2022 • By Candice Salomé
Nacer10, a member of the Carenity community in France, has been living with psoriasis for over 12 years. His first symptoms appeared after the loss of two loved ones. Despite the disease, he remains optimistic and has a positive outlook on the future.
Discover his story below!

Hello Nacer10, thank you for agreeing to share your story with us on Carenity!
First of all, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm a man in my sixties, and I like all things in life that bring joy and happiness.
You have psoriasis. Can you tell us about your first symptoms? What prompted you to seek medical attention?
The first symptoms were red patches in my armpits, in my skin folds and on my scalp. I saw a dermatologist to get a prescription for medication to treat my symptoms. During this time I had no idea about the disease.
How long did it take to make the diagnosis? How many doctors did you see?
It took me almost a year to see the dermatologist. I've had it for almost 12 years and I've only been able to see the doctor twice in all those years.
Are you satisfied with your care pathway and the information you've received about psoriasis?
As far as my treatment is concerned, I am honestly not completely satisfied with the medicines on the market. Because I live in Algeria, they are not very effective. As for the information received about psoriasis or other conditions, I have found it to be very beneficial in enriching my knowledge and learning more about the disease.
What symptoms do you experience in the day-to-day? Are they difficult to manage?
I treat my symptoms as they come, I don't really have a fixed treatment regimen. It's a bit complicated to deal with because I have ointments, creams, etc., on my affected areas all the time.
Are you receiving any treatment for your psoriasis? Has it changed over time? Are you satisfied with it?
I manage it on my own. I've had the bare minimum in evaluations and care for it, and only when I need medication for it. In all honesty, I'm not at all happy with my care.
How has your psoriasis progressed?
My psoriasis is progressing slowly... Sometimes it disappears when I increase how much ointment I use. It's currently in a stable place, only 20% of my body is affected and it is concentrated on my stomach.
What do you think triggered your psoriasis? Can you explain it?
To be honest, I have no idea. However, before the first symptoms appeared, I went through a lot of emotional turmoil due to the loss of two family members (mother and sister).
Have you had to adapt your lifestyle or the way you do things?
I always try to find something to do to keep myself busy and distracted so that I don't "fall" into stress.
What are your plans for the future?
To be honest, I don't have any particular plans, but I remain optimistic for a better life.
What do you think of online patient communities like Carenity?
These platforms are, and will always be, beneficial for readers, especially for people with psoriasis. There is a lot of advice for the reader to take from these platforms, it is important to share with people with the same conditions as you.
Finally, what advice would you share with other Carenity members living with one of these conditions?
We must remain united and spare no effort to convey information to other members.
Any final thoughts?
First of all, I pray to God to heal every sick person on this earth.
Also, I would like to thank the Carenity team for all the efforts made to bring us these precious clarifications on the different diseases we are facing.
Many thanks to Nacer10 for sharing his story with us on Carenity!
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