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- There is hope with bipolar disorder!
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There is hope with bipolar disorder!
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1,340 comments posted | 37 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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@Lindaknapp57 Hello Linda, thank you for opening this discussion and sharing your positivity! You are absolutely right, there is hope! Let me tag some other members who can possibly share a bit of hope with you!
Hello everyone, how are you today? What are some of your successes you've achieved with bipolar disorder? What are you proud of? Is there something that makes you smile when you wake up each morning?
@Kkaeder @Tonya69 @PattyG1 @lepidolitelove21 @M.Mickle @BetsyC @anthonyrosas1989 @scottiegirl93 @3littlebirds @nutterbutter @TheaMary @Jreadie1 @j_stevens0n @ErinlYax @Lalataylor09 @Kat4Freddie @Zena29
Feel free to share with us here! Sometimes sharing a little light and positivity can do so much good!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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Last activity on 01/02/2024 at 5:39 PM
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Structure is very important to keep my episodes at bay. The routine gives me a sense of control rather than the chaos that comes with the disease.
I started small.
I get dressed every day. My daughter says why not just stay in your jammies if you're not going out.i told her it makes me feel better.
I make my bed. It makes me feel I have accomplished something. Plus it's nicer to get in bed at night.
I get my coffee and check the weather, read my email and read some news, then I get on Facebook. I allow up to 2 hours for it.
Then I unconsciously started a routine for getting ready for the day.
I clean the kitchen. And pick up the house as needed
Usually once a week I clean my apartment: including mopping floors. I've found that gradually I'm doing a better job at cleaning. This was a huge hurdle because it took such as effort to clean and I didn't mind the mess. I started with one chore at a time: dusting then gradually added cleaning the bathroom etc.
Some people think I'm OCD, but occasionally changing my routine isn't a big deal like it would be for someone who has OCD.
You get the drift. The structure makes me feel accomplished, proud and just feel good about myself, which is so important to conquer the chaos.
Again I started gradually, adding one thing at a time as each step improved my mental health. It happened organically. Its not that I decided to add each step, I just did it as I began to feel better.
This daily routine is invaluable in controlling my episodes. It's my way it may not be yours.
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Linda Knapp
Last activity on 06/26/2021 at 6:54 PM
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I love that quote by Carrie Fisher. I'm at a stage in my illness where I am struggling a bit. I don't have too many of the manic symptoms any more, but the depression has gotten very bad lately. I wish I had some good tips or tricks to pass on. I am here to learn though.
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Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
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Last activity on 01/02/2024 at 5:39 PM
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@BetsyC hi Betsy. I definitely understand struggling with depression. At one point I found myself pressing my body against the floor trying to physically get as low as I was mentally and emotionally.
When I get depressed I have a "go to" movie I watch because it takes my mind off things and I get relief. Mine is We're the Millers lol
Sometimes, rarely, I just had to go with it and come out on the other side. Do Not do this if you're having suicidal ideations.
I write. I don't journal every day but doing it during both depressive and manic episodes. Even if I don't know why I'm depressed. The act of writing down anything that comes to mind is very helpful.
I don't know, thats just a few things I try. I also have things I do for anxiety.
Hope you feel better.
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Linda Knapp
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Last activity on 01/02/2024 at 5:39 PM
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Just wanted to congratulate everyone, we survived another day!

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Linda Knapp
Last activity on 06/26/2021 at 6:54 PM
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4 comments posted | 3 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
@Lindaknapp57 Thanks for your message. I really enjoy movies as well and they do help me with my depression. I have a lot of go to movies...mostly comedies or really good documentaries. They help to elevate my mood and keep my mind occupied. Lately, for the past several weeks, I have just taken to my bed. It is hard to explain, but that is literally the only place I have to go to in my apartment. Anyway, I watch movies pretty much all day to keep me from losing it. You see, I am isolated. I'm not self-isolating. I am literally isolated due to my current circumstances. If not for the internet I don't know what I would do. I only got back online a couple of months ago. Up to then I only had antenna tv and a radio to keep me company. I don't have a smart phone or anything like that. It is a very lonely and isolated kind of life. I do attend an online group twice a week for 2 hours each session. It helps. Anyway, thanks for your message, It was nice to hear from you. Sorry to go on and on. Hope you have a good day!
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Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
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Last activity on 01/02/2024 at 5:39 PM
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@BetsyC I'm happy to talk to you too! Feel free to private message me anytime you need to talk. Are you on Facebook or messenger?
About being isolated. I, too, was isolated for a long time. Also due to circumstances. I took care of a dying woman 24/7 any was literally confined to the house. My children also lived in different states. In fact at one point we were in 3 different time zones! I spent alot of time in the couch. For awhile I was actually kind of afraid of getting off the couch. Even to go to the bathroom. Finally I made the effort to start calling a friend and some family. It was hard because I thought everyone hated me as much as I hated myself. I called my kids more often and was able to repair my relationship with my daughter. Things started looking up from there.
So if you want someone to talk to contact me. We can speak via messenger like we are on the phone.
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Linda Knapp
Last activity on 06/26/2021 at 6:54 PM
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4 comments posted | 3 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
@Lindaknapp57 I am on Facebook. If you want to friend me that would be fine. I use messenger to talk to people quite often. It is a way for me to stay in touch with friends who live out of state...almost everyone I care about/who cares about me does.
Look forward to talking more.
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Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
Last activity on 05/13/2021 at 5:35 PM
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I too have been feeling very isolated and depressed. It helps me to care for our little dog. She needs to go out several times a day and we sit outside in nice weather for a couple hours per day.
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Last activity on 01/11/2022 at 11:26 PM
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@Bracha585 I understand exactly how you feel. With the pandemic going on, I've been totally isolated for approximately a yr now. I've been extra cautious because of having COPD.
I have a small dog who keeps me company. She's a wonderful companion! Wherever I am, that's where Smooches is. I honestly don't know what I would do without her!
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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Last activity on 01/02/2024 at 5:39 PM
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14 comments posted | 10 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I am 64 years old and have been living with bipolar disorder for 40 years. There were many dark days, decades really. But there is hope! I am a success story! It is possible to live a full, happy and productive life with bipolar.
Please share with us your successes and how you achieved them.
I think Carrie Fisher said it best:
"At times, being bipolar can be an all-consuming challenge, requiring a lot of stamina and even more courage, so if you’re living with this illness and functioning at all, it’s something to be proud of, not ashamed of. They should issue medals along with the steady stream of medication"