Breast cancer Forum

  •  1,096 members
  •  9 discussions

Discuss signs, symptoms and complications of breast cancer.

Patients Breast cancer

Medical fact sheet

Breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Breast self-examination

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Treating breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Diagnosing breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Breast cancer: Cause and risk factors

Medical fact sheet - article

What is breast cancer?

Medical fact sheet - article

World Cancer Day

 Symptoms and complications of breast cancer

What was your age and what initial symptoms did you experience at onset?

avatar HawaiianLau

avatar Somya.P

avatar clucas913

 Symptoms and complications of breast cancer

Exhausted and depressed from cancer.

avatar HawaiianLau

avatar denisejeanmckeon

 Symptoms and complications of breast cancer

Red itchy patches on breast. Is this breast cancer? I am worried

avatar MaryP21

avatar Lee__R

avatar MaryP21

avatar MaryAnnMcK

avatar Misnchris2

 Symptoms and complications of breast cancer

Have you been asked to lose weight before breast reconstruction?

avatar Courtney_J

 Symptoms and complications of breast cancer

Side-effects... can't get taste back

avatar jackson12

avatar denisejeanmckeon

avatar jennypie

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