Breast cancer Forum

  •  1,175 members
  •  265 discussions

Have you, or a loved one, been diagnosed with breast cancer? Thousands of women and their families discuss screening, the impact of the disease, treatments such as chemotherapy and mastectomy... Join us on our forum!

Medical fact sheet

Breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Breast self-examination

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Treating breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Diagnosing breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Breast cancer: Cause and risk factors

Medical fact sheet - article

What is breast cancer?

Medical fact sheet - article

World Cancer Day

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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.

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