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- How do you "thrive" with cancer? Let's share our tips and tricks!
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How do you "thrive" with cancer? Let's share our tips and tricks!
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Last activity on 07/09/2021 at 5:27 AM
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I have Stage 3 lung cancer non small cell andeocarsino I have had 7 weeks radiation and 6 rounds of chemo my Dr wanted me to do immunotherapy Imfinizi every 2 weeks for a year but my Medicaid wouldn’t pay for it so all I can do is have catscan every 3 months.
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Cassandra Lynne Vinson
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@Cassandralynne How are you doing after chemo and radiation?
Is there anything you do or focus on in order to thrive? Do you pain or write or anything in particular that you find enjoyment in and can find some relaxation?
Last activity on 09/09/2018 at 7:35 AM
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I've currently been diagnosed with multiple myeloma in November of 2017 I am currently on chemotherapy as pretreatment for a stem cell transplant. This is my second cancer fight. I had breast cancer 13 years ago. I think my greatest challenge to living with multiple myeloma is to keep a positive attitude turn it over to God because I cannot do this alone always having my support system to talk to about my fears and concerns
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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@DonnaDalton thank you for sharing. When is the schedule stem cell transplant?
You already beat it once and I have faith that you will beat it again. Thriving with cancer by keeping a positive attitude is excellent way to thrive. They say the mind / attitude is a large part of anything we face in life. Keep your faith and know in addition to your immediate support system, you also have a support system here on Carenity. Please keep us updated with your progress and your treatment.
Last activity on 10/15/2022 at 4:25 AM
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I have Follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Kidney cancer 3 years ago. Trying to figure out “thriving” with cancer.
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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@Maryellen sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Congrats on beating cancer 3-years ago. That is something to definitely be proud of!
What is it that you enjoy doing? Do you enjoy writing or reading? Spending time with family? Walking around the neighborhood?
I am interested in hearing about what activities or things that make your day better.
Last activity on 10/15/2022 at 4:25 AM
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I am a Real Estate agent and that keeps me going. My Maltese is my buddy for walks. I babysit for my 2 yr old grandson. I am planning to go to Turks and Caicos for winter vacation and a Mediterranean Cruise on the Viking Cruise Line with high school friends in May. Hopefully, I will be healthy AND wealthy for my trips.
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Last activity on 01/11/2022 at 5:05 PM
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@DonnaDalton wow I had multiple myeloma first then breast cancer I fought it last year.
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Last activity on 01/11/2022 at 5:05 PM
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@DonnaDalton I aslo had stem cell transplant done too and God is who I lean to also he got me through it and continues to help me go on.
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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@Maryellen That is great. Animals, especially dogs, are great companions aren't they?
Those trips sound amazing! That is definitely thriving. Both sound so amazing! I am sure you will have a grand time. There is few things better than traveling and experiencing parts of the world.
I am sure one of those better things is spending time with your grandson! I am sure he brings you much joy.
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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.
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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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We just published an article from Anna Renault, a cancer survivor, about her experience defeating cancer 8 times (now battling her 9th) and how she thrives with cancer. You can read the article here and feel free to comment on the article about your opinions or what you felt after reading it. It is a very inspirational article.
Ms. Renault states the most important thing to thriving with cancer is having "a purpose in life that keeps her alive and determined to fight." She recommends to anyone battling with cancer to "Find your calling. Stay committed. Lean on your support system. Find joy where you can."
She also states that surviving / thriving with cancer to her means waking up each day, being able to get out of bed, do her daily acitivties, and being able to eat and drink without vomiting.
Let's start a discussion where you can talk about how you thrive with cancer.
Please tell us:
1) What type of cancer you are going to defeat (cancer you are currently diagnosed with);
2) How many times you have already defeated cancer (if this is not your first);
3) How you thrive with cancer;
4) What does surviving / thriving with cancer mean to you.