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What do you do when your pain management doesn't work?
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603 comments posted | 23 in the Chronic pain Forum
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Hi @AureliaB
How are you doing today?
It seems like your original discussion did not get much visibility, but I think it is a great topic for discussion! Let me tag a few members to see if they have any advice or suggestions.
@fancynancy @Meadow1 @Peggyhines @Kelseydawn @Sdrn1952 @Lauriep @Lissajane68 @Angie1263 @Stephy805 @ShawnLarson @Jojobean @Tghewitt63 @Tonton @Angell @Karebare79 @Tishamama @tsclegg @Buddy11 @Blackroseloving1982 @Ciaohoundz @2luvAnother @Marc1186 @BrSean @Tsmithseal1 @Adamst55 @Sherig @Wizztwo2 @Kitty5 @countrygall @Coxwell @Dawn22 @Ktemore85 @coastergal1 @Nayzie @Lifeofr4 @catmom @Twybear @MrsBrown20 @ShellyNorrington @Purplehaze29 @Tryin2bNorml @LULUSMYC @Crimson @RockySparky @Nikkib06 @Justme763 @dgrice90 @LoraH64
What do you do when the medication your doctor prescribe doesn't work? Do you use temperature to help with pain? Do you use a weighted blanket? What about exercise? Any advice?
Take care,
Lizzi from the Carenity team
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Last activity on 10/24/2024 at 1:28 AM
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43 comments posted | 41 in the Chronic pain Forum
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@LizziB I am awaiting surgery to implant a Boston Scientific Spinal Chord Stimulator. On the trial for one week I was so amazed. I had about 85% pain gone. Increasing pain meds has left me dizzy and off balance.
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Nancy Caley
Last activity on 03/07/2024 at 12:15 PM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Chronic pain Forum
be careful with that spinal cord stimulator, I had one of those and after the implant it didn’t work so well and they can’t take the leads out of my spinal cord! And I even had the DRG stimulator and it didn’t help me at all and the generator was big and I had them take it out but they couldn’t take the wire out so it’s coiled up in my back! So they don’t help at all and I just want you to be careful and aware of it all!
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Jeanne Geiling
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Last activity on 10/24/2024 at 1:28 AM
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@Wizztwo2 This will be my 2nd stimulator. Had great pain relief with the first one for it was an Abbott system. It was removed and this Boston Scientific is so more refined. I think it is a viable pain relief solution.
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Nancy Caley
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Last activity on 01/21/2025 at 7:57 PM
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@LizziB I’ve had multiple invasive procedures and I’ve taken every pain med on the market. I’ve seen every specialist in every known field to get answers to ending my never ending pain. I was given 2 recommendations and then I was out of options. The first was ketamine infusions. The closest place for that is @3 hours away at the Cleveland Clinic. The other option was medical marijuana. I started that today and so far I’m still in pain. Over 4 hours in and nothing helped the pain. Perhaps t meds to build up to work. Naturally I have the usual side effects. Extremely dry mouth and fuzzy brain. And my pain.
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Last activity on 10/24/2024 at 1:28 AM
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43 comments posted | 41 in the Chronic pain Forum
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I have horrible pain for the past 6 months. Do not give up. There are a lot of options. Check into Boston Scientific Spinal Chord Stimulator. They will give you a 7 day trial and you can see if it helps.I had 85% pain loss.
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Nancy Caley
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Last activity on 01/08/2025 at 12:40 AM
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@fancynancy I think I need to check into that for my back pain. Thank you for mentioning the spinal cord stimulator!
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Last activity on 10/24/2024 at 1:28 AM
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@Lissajane68 If you can get in touch with Boston Scientific SCS. It is so much better than an Abbott system. They will guide you and they are with you all the way. If you want you can mention my name" Nancy Caley in El Paso, TX. Do a trial that way you can see if it is going to help your pain!!
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Nancy Caley
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Last activity on 10/24/2024 at 1:28 AM
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43 comments posted | 41 in the Chronic pain Forum
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I have horrible pain for the past 6 months. Do not give up. There are a lot of options. Check into Boston Scientific Spinal Chord Stimulator. They will give you a 7 day trial and you can see if it helps.I had 85% pain loss.
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Nancy Caley
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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Last activity on 07/15/2022 at 7:19 PM
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The pain management my doctor prescribed me is not working and I'm in excrutiating pain! Do you have any advice or tips that may help? Thank you