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Can't get my ex out of my head
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Last activity on 04/02/2022 at 12:31 AM
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
Go with the Good guy! If your new boyfriend is a good guy he’s your best bet. Stay with the one who will be there for the good, bad and the ugly. The one you can always depend on to have your back and love you no matter what. Make sure you are thinking with the thoughts that are for forever not just “right now” if your current boyfriend is a good guy(holds down a job, treats you and your family with respect, loves who you are etc) DO NOT CHEAT! But if he’s a piece of shit then breakup and go back to your ex. If your ex truly is a piece of shit too then be Single and give the “right one” a chance to come around. The chances of that happening in a relationship is very slim.
I have been happily married for nearly 14 years and have e best husband and wouldn’t have done anything different.
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Last activity on 09/11/2021 at 7:32 PM
Joined in 2020
4 comments posted | 3 in the Depression Forum
I have had very traumatic events ever this year and with polysubstance abuse I almost died but I'm 60 days clean but depression is taking my life. Making it impossible
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Last activity on 11/07/2024 at 3:21 AM
Joined in 2020
32 comments posted | 29 in the Depression Forum
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Last month was the last straw! I moved in with my daughter to help her and her family with the rent well the 1st day I moved in i found out that they were getting evicted and she knew it and didn't tell me about it before I moved in and obviously it pissed me off! While i was living with them I was borrowing them money and buying dinners about two or 3 times a week and I'm living on a fixed income so it was really draining my savings, I let my daughter use my debit card to get some gas so before she got the gas she checked out my balance in my checking account and I had around $6000 &that's my life savings which is pretty sad for being a 60 year old man. But I had a hard life and I battled with addiction for 18 years but I have 17 years of Sobriety now. My problem is I have to big of heart and I'm always helping people and putting others before myself which I'm trying not to do anymore, anyways after she seen my savings she decided to fill her tank and buy herself and her husband a pack of smokes and buy the grandchildren a lot of candy all without asking! So I got pissed off! She told me that what's the big deal you have $6000 in the bank so I could afford it. I told her that that's my life savings and I need every penny to get a apartment and to pay my bills. I didn't want to argue anymore so I just went to my room a few days later I noticed that I was missing over 40 pain pills which I take for my bad back and my bad neck. I got injured at work. Well of course she denied taking the pills when I asked her about them being missing. I was so pissed off that she would do that after all I've done for her and her family and also I found out that all my rent I was paying them went to drugs and alcohol and they haven't paid rent in months because they figured that they could just screw over the landlord because of the covid and couldn't get evicted. Well the landlord isn't no dummy and he found a loophole in the covid deal and he could legally evict them. Well they moved in with her mother. Her and her husband and 2 kids and dog and cat. Well Karma came back to get her and they're all at each other's throats and also her mother is a addict so they're fighting about drugs and every little thing that comes with living together like that in a 1 bedroom apartment. Yesterday she had the balls to ask me for a couple or more if I could do it of pain pills. Lol I laughed in her face and told her that I wanted nothing to do with people who lie to me and who steal from me! So I just said have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's! Maybe down the road I will talk with het but as of now? I want nothing to do with her. Am I wrong for feeling and doing this? I'm very hurt by what she has done.
Last activity on 04/05/2024 at 4:49 AM
Joined in 2020
8 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
No your not wrong for that. It's called tough love and if she wants to do that and go down the road she's heading. There's not a lot you can do just don't give her anything anymore and love her even if it's from a distance.
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Last activity on 11/07/2024 at 3:21 AM
Joined in 2020
32 comments posted | 29 in the Depression Forum
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@Aliyah that's what ive been doing and since I've been doing it she only messaged me once and surprise surprise!! She wanted some pain pills! But she's my daughter and I'll always love her. But for now it will be from a distance and without enabling her with pills. Thank you for responding and Merry Christmas
Last activity on 04/05/2024 at 4:49 AM
Joined in 2020
8 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
@Jackson1 absolutely! Merry Christmas!
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Last activity on 04/05/2024 at 4:49 AM
Joined in 2020
8 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
I havent posted much on here mainly to help others but i need help now. My mom had broken my ex and i up almost a year ago and the last few months ive reached out to him because hes not in the best living situations either. Today we were talking and theres one thing he said that i havent been able to get out of my head. I told him that he shouldnt have blamed himself for my mom splitting us apart and he said he does because he lost me. He was my first love and ever since the break up i havent been able to get him out of my head. Even now that I'm dating someone else but because of how i was raised I don't want to cheat on him but i miss my ex so much it hurts nearly to the point where i wanna stay in bed and cry but i also cant tell my family. So thats whyim coming here. Im sorry if this seems too much i domt wanna bother my friends about this because my friends know my boyfriend now.