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Weight loss caused by depression medication
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Last activity on 01/30/2021 at 8:34 PM
Joined in 2020
5 comments posted | 5 in the Depression Forum
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I think you're right about it being harder as you get older. Ive been trying to lose weight because of diabetes and I just keep gaining. Im desperate and don't know what to do. Im walking every day but I've got herniated and bulging discs in my back which makes it hard to walk a lot
Good advisor
Last activity on 01/30/2025 at 2:00 AM
Joined in 2020
37 comments posted | 32 in the Depression Forum
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@LynC63 I’m sorry. I know those are painful. A few of the pts I’ve cared for have had that and they struggled with the pain :( this one elderly lady I took care of SWORE by epson salt baths. I honestly don’t know if that really does anything but she swore it helped her pain. She would take one after we’d do her rehab exercises. And I know I’m struggling to gain weight now but for many years I was overweight due to the hypothyroidism. Didn’t matter if I worked out every day, counted calories, I could not lose a lb. Even though I was taking the thyroid meds and they said my levels were fine. I just still couldn’t lose any weight. Well I looked into diet changes. Not a “diet” per say but just changed eating habits. I stopped eating gluten. Not just because I read people with thyroid probs have a hard time breaking it down but I also read it can really mess with IBS which I had severely. I’ll tell you. Once I did...the weight started coming off. In a little under a year I lost 70 lbs. and that was just with healthier eating. I didn’t have to work out or anything. AND my ibs went away. No more belly problems. Not saying gluten free is a fix all or that it works for everyone but it certainly improved my health.
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Good advisor
Last activity on 01/30/2025 at 2:00 AM
Joined in 2020
37 comments posted | 32 in the Depression Forum
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Hey y’all. I’ve always had a hard time with the meds. They either work but have terrible side effects. Or have no side effects and don’t work at all. I recently started a new one and it seems like (mood wise anyway) it’s helping. BUT, and it’s a doozy, I can not eat on it. It’s to the point where just the thought of eating makes me cringe and I have to force down every bite I take. I thought maybe it would let up after I was on it a while. But it’s been a little over a month and it just seems to be getting worse and harder and harder to force myself to eat. Now, my weight is already waaaay too low. And since I’ve started taking it, it’s dropped down even more. I had a phone appt with the doc. She is switching the med. I’ve been on so many, it’s frustrating. Basically, my question isn’t about meds or anything like that...but more if you all have any tips on how I can put some weight back on? I’m getting really self conscious about how thin I look. People are started to make remakes about it and I’m already super uncomfortable with my body image :( so any tips would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the rant. Happy holidays. Much love to y’all ❤️