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- Share your first signs and symptoms of cervical dystonia
Share your first signs and symptoms of cervical dystonia
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Last activity on 10/13/2019 at 5:55 AM
Joined in 2019
27 comments posted | 15 in the Living with dystonia group
Good Advisor
@Nicholson13 for me it was twitching in the hands... This was the first weird sign. MY fingers would twitch. Then spasms like twitching in the anterior muscles of the neck began. Then my neck would sometimes jolt downward from the spasms. I suffered from "anterocollis".
However, I got much relief from Botox injections and I actually have been in remission for almost a year now. Knock on wood.
What are you experiencing?

Unregistered member
Last activity on 08/13/2020 at 10:48 PM
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Living with dystonia group
I hope you get some relief. I am here because I have exactly the same issues you have with your neck, shoulders and affecting my entire back and front neck. I’m constantly tired battling this day in and day out. I enrolled in schoo for late May 2019 I don’t know how I’d do this going to cosmetology school. It’s debilitating. I can’t seem to do anything.
Last activity on 10/08/2022 at 4:51 AM
Joined in 2019
3 comments posted | 3 in the Living with dystonia group
i started losing balance at work, couldnt rember stuff , ended up with pacemaker heart disease, after recuperating went back to work less than one week back out work balance ,memory issues ,temors hands, then neck, got diagnosed with dystonia, end of 2018 diagnosed with two diffent kinds miagraines, already had asthma from get go, now diabetes on insuline, im up to 9 specialty doctors, so many meds very overwhelming. im on pill for that,but therapy twice a week, with physical thearpist, dry needlings given the most relief so far.for that condition.
Last activity on 10/08/2022 at 4:51 AM
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3 comments posted | 3 in the Living with dystonia group
im, starting to have problems with my lower jaw @ even my teeth hurting at different times, anybody else having that issue.
Last activity on 10/08/2022 at 4:51 AM
Joined in 2019
3 comments posted | 3 in the Living with dystonia group
ok,guys @ gals my night pills kicking in, going to bed now talk to yall tomorrow.
Last activity on 06/24/2021 at 11:54 PM
Joined in 2019
2 comments posted | 2 in the Living with dystonia group
1 of their responses was helpful to members
My neck started tremoring at night. Thought I had MS or Parkinson’s. But was diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia 2 years ago. Been getting Botox. Helps me sleep. But it’s horrible during the day. Can’t keep my head straight. Is exhausting. I hate it.

Unregistered member
I noticed my head shaking very mildly when I put on my mascara, it grew a bit and then a family member noticed the shake and pushed me to my primary who said is was essential tremor. I was worried about parkinson's so went to a neuro who diagnosed CD. The gave me botox injections that I didn't continue because, even after insurance my share was high. That was two years ago and at that time my symptoms weren't bad. Now, my symptoms are terrible so I went back to the neuro. They seemed to increase dramatically in a matter of weeks.. I've had a mega increase in botox but not much relief.
I'll add a question. Is this my life now? Pain? By the time evening rolls around, I can barely hold my head up. PT starts in a couple of weeks. Any other suggestions?
Last activity on 08/13/2020 at 10:48 PM
Joined in 2019
2 comments posted | 2 in the Living with dystonia group
I honestly do t know how I’d be managing cosmetology school in May if this continues. My neck keeps sticking out. And my neck is already in so much lainsometimes it’s hard to breath because my posture gets so bad. What causes this? I think it’s when my anti depressants were switched dramatically to higher strengths and changed to other kinds. I think something triggered me to be this way and I think it’s the sudden change in medications. I’ll be going to the States in April. And I’ll be trying to get Botox injections once I can. I hope that helps because not even massage lasts a long time. Maybe I need to go back to my chiropractor.
Last activity on 10/16/2021 at 4:31 PM
Joined in 2019
1 comment posted | 1 in the Living with dystonia group
i just recently got diagnosed with CD. I suspected it was what i had for a while now, but finally went to a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis. I will be starting botox in a few weeks. No idea if it’s going to be a great solution but willing to give it a try.
I did a lot of research on CD online and read a great book on the subject:
It has a ton of information on this condition and possible treatments. I highly recommend reading it if you haven’t already.
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I am curious as to the first signs or symptoms anyone with cervical dystonia remembers having.