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HIV Dating
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Last activity on 05/13/2020 at 7:46 AM
Joined in 2019
24 comments posted | 24 in the HIV/AIDS Forum
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@davidpricesalim Why did you change your mind? Say what you want to say, I want to hear it..
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Last activity on 01/25/2020 at 6:33 PM
Joined in 2020
I didn’t change my mind. I wrote a long message but it wouldn’t post. It was late I when I got back to trying to post it again it had disappeared. I have some time this evening so I will try again!
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Last activity on 05/13/2020 at 7:46 AM
Joined in 2019
24 comments posted | 24 in the HIV/AIDS Forum
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Lol, ok @davidpricesalim
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Unregistered member
@MichaelC I think it's just a game of trial and error. You're going to find people who are scared and are not receptive when you tell them, but you're also going to find some wonderful people who are supportive. Personally I don't disclose on the first date, but if after that we really connect and I find them to be someone I'm emotionally interested in, I tell them. I try to disclose not long after the first date. And I give them all the facts, tell them that I'm undetectable and point them in the direction of more information if they need it.
Last activity on 03/16/2020 at 6:10 PM
Joined in 2020
Hello all! I have a bestie who is positive and I recently wrote a book dedicated to him concerning dating with hiv. It uplifted his spirits. I hope it does the same thing for some of you. check it out [link removed by Moderator for violation of community standards]
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Last activity on 06/10/2020 at 2:48 PM
Joined in 2019
21 comments posted | 15 in the HIV/AIDS Forum
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@MichaelC I've posted this on another thread somewhere, but yeah. I always tell people up front because for me it works as a filter to pick out the good ones from the bad. Some people suck and will treat you badly when they find out, but at least that way you know that they suck from the get-go and you don't have to find out later when you're in a relationship. Don't worry about people judging you or being scared. That's all normal. Today in 2020 there's still not enough education in schools and in public on HIV. People are still ignorant. My way is to be honest from Day 1, and it's worked for me.
Last activity on 03/29/2020 at 12:45 AM
Joined in 2020
I was very optimistic about dating again just recently but once I became positive anything evolving dating gives me ptsd. Judging by how I even got the disease in the first place is enough for me to be okay with never dating again
Last activity on 05/23/2020 at 9:24 PM
Joined in 2020
@hivver Don't see how people could be so ugly shaped in a world who has been worked on by the best to carve out the evil in human population. I too believe they should be rejected by us and all instead of me or u getting pushed away. Great way to start my day!
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Last activity on 06/10/2020 at 2:48 PM
Joined in 2019
21 comments posted | 15 in the HIV/AIDS Forum
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@Beebud1 If only! Hopefully one day there will be enough education and it won't be that way. I just let them keep coming, though as it's an opportunity for me to show them where they're wrong and educate them myself.
Last activity on 02/25/2023 at 5:02 AM
Joined in 2019
I too was ashamed, at first. Even tho no one rejected me, I told several people I think because I was n shock. I'm not a private person. But last week I told fb I'm HIV positive and got good reception and feedback. But having it has helped me learn to love me. So nthn nobody can say will hurt my feelings. I tell people upfront and let em do w it what they want. You'll b surprised how many people don't even care. None of my friends look at me differently and my partner refuses to strap up even tho I am undetectable. Your life will get easier once you learn to accept yourself.
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Ms. Chee
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I'm trying to figure out how to date being HIV pos. In my part of the country (Dallas) the HIV community is surprisingly small especially if your a hetero male. We're like unicorns around here. I've really begun to despair about ever finding anyone. Geeesh I sound pathetic but that's the ugly truth. What in the world am I going to do?