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- Have you had any side effects from the COVID vaccine?
Have you had any side effects from the COVID vaccine?
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1,339 comments posted | 64 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello @Kat81852, thank you for opening this discussion and sharing you experience with the vaccine! That must have been so scary! Do you know which vaccine you received? How are you feeling now?
For those of you who have had the vaccine, what was your experience like? Did you have any reaction responses afterwards? How are you doing now?
@Lamcdo @Aergia173 @94-Adam @dunecitymike @Evansrte313 @Mickey65901 @Baugher @JosieT @Luvcr54 @carolgerling @Mandy1983 @DonnaK @Chuck1252 @zimfour @Bellabay12 @Db55lutz @MyMS55 @Fantisee
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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I didn’t have any side effects after the first shot. About 18 hours after the second shot, I had chills, body aches, and headache. We not at all as bad as the flus I have had Gone in about 18 hours. Well worth it. I had the Pfizer vaccine. I feel fine now and no problems.
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Linda McDonald
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@Lamcdo I am a week away from my 2nd Pfizer shot and expect to be uncomfortable after. Lesser of two evils; I have end stage emphysema and suspect COVID-19 would end me.
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Mike Herbert
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@dunecitymike Yes, you should be very careful. I have heart failure stage 2 and knew I didn’t want to get Covid. Best of luck to you. I hope very mild side effects if any. Take care.
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Linda McDonald

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I had many side effects from my Moderna vaccine. I got it 9 days ago and I still am getting waves of nausea and diarrhea. I also have a aggravating headache between my eyebrows only. I know the second shot is coming up and I really dread it!
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Last activity on 09/27/2024 at 6:05 AM
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@Courtney_J Moderna. Second shot was 13 days ago-no side effects from either shot.
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April 16th at 1:30 Pm I got my first Pfizer shot and sat in the room for fifteen minutes with no problems. Around 7 Pm I started having sharp stabbing pain in the chest (heart area) off and on for about five minutes almost called 911. Just had a full heart check-up echo & stress and they said there was nothing to worry about and to see the heart doc on May 11 Th. At 8:30 Pm, I had cramps and loose stool for an hour and a half didn't sleep much as my arm was killing me. The next day my arm was stiff and sore but manageable. Not looking forward to the second shot on May 7 Th.

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Second shot of Moderna gave me a sore tongue and roof of mouth. Feels scalded. Nothing helps it subside and I will call Dr. on Monday!

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What I stated, I sent to my doctor, and this was their reply, "Glad to hear it all checked out ok. A single dose of this vaccine may be as protective as about 80-85% from the virus. If that's good enough for you and you fear the second, then skip it". Well, that's not what I wanted to hear, so I will get the second shot and hope I live through it.

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I decided not to take the second shot as I had just too bad of a reaction to the first one.
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I got mine Wednesday and have had several reactions. None on injection day but the day after, sore arm, dry mouth. Next day felt fine! Day after that had chills body aches and fever, stayed in bed and thought I was riding it out. Next day thought I was back to normal but got up to greet my niece and I got to her in time for her to hold me up. Felt like I was gonna faint and my body couldn’t move. My eyes were fixed but body couldn’t move. I could hear them talking to me but b all I could say is “I’m fine”. My whole body was tingly so strong that it truly left an impression.
my Dr thinks it all was due to the Corona shot!!