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Psoriasis: How does it affect social and professional life?
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Last activity on 03/13/2025 at 6:17 PM
Joined in 2023
542 comments posted | 4 in the Psoriasis Forum
18 of their responses were helpful to members
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Hello everyone, how are you feeling today?
Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition, it can have a significant impact on daily life, both socially and professionally. Visible plaques, redness, and scaling can lead to unwanted stares, awkward questions, or even insensitive comments. This can take a toll on self-confidence and how one interacts with others, making social and work situations more challenging.
👉 How has psoriasis affected your self-confidence?
👉 How do you talk about your condition with friends, family, or colleagues?
@Kathy55 @Deborahlee @dollgrl50 @Tonya39 @addi67918 @Jbwalraven @Tpace55 @Lucy24 @Linni123 @Tweeder82 @Jjhightal86 @Dottiedack @larturi @Thetrader1 @dillshau @LittleBarb @Arvande @Leads12 @Ser1388 @Msheehan215 @Carinfo @jen25butterfly @Sunjenn @Skylerged @eddiebone2 @AndreaSloan @Tperillo @mootie @Jdpete11 @Odiedirector @Dvansteenberg @Justme#4me @anthonyhjames @Tgurrola @Pennykay @Katapog @Allilucas @Moniqqa @Annie01 @Bassboat @Scose46 @lgoldsa @Marceloanderson @lynshi12 @Babylioness31 @ewakefield12 @Daline22 @Ellenbacklin @MCSmith @Kwarpenburg @Alfh47 @SabinaYetta52 @laracroft44 @stain2319 @PoohBear3040 @dingodad @pugthugs @w2007sara @kimber003 @kaitlin.engels @Karmasgirl @MKnepper @Alejandro @SierraNelsby @rhemasummer @chrisfas61 @Thabiso @BT1515 @Ajent99x @JaredW @Mwright32479 @Marcus573 @Jeanieknak67 @Sulean @JERRYT @cajunchic @Franny @Carlosmejias @Deepak9699 @watermelanie @itzjustme @JodiS. @Tony1612 @Redouu @Srikar @BobyD59 @Gkgirg2490 @NewLife22 @Andrealh44 @Mellivee @supportgirlies @Peruvian @fishinghat @Bev4me
We’d love to hear your experiences!
Take care,
Somya from the Carenity team 🌼