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- RA in the hands and working a skilled job requiring use of the hands? Dental Hygienist
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RA in the hands and working a skilled job requiring use of the hands? Dental Hygienist
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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@68padres I am sorry to hear about your ex-wife. I admire her drive and strength.
Gentle stretching, when not in an acute flare-up, has been shown to help and according to research, during an acute flare-up, she should try to avoid deep heating modalities - such as the paraffin wax bath - because it can actually exacerbate the RA. However, when not suffering from an acute flare-up, such modalities have been shown to be beneficial.
Perhaps talk to the doctor or ask her if you can attend one of her appointments. Is she undergoing any physical therapy?
Sounds like she stays active, but hopefully she is not overdoing it and gets the rest she needs for her body to also recover itself.
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Last activity on 07/23/2020 at 5:36 PM
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@68padres I am sorry to heat about your wife. Is she receiving any steroid injections? This should calm down the inflammation greatly and allow more mobility. I would also recommend her trying to alkaline her pH and taking pro-biotics fo rpossible leaky gut.
Last activity on 01/04/2019 at 11:13 AM
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3 comments posted | 3 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
I understand her thought process. Unfortunately I ran into the same problem with being let go when I was first diagnosed. I am still trying to find a balance. I have worked as a veterinary technician on and off since I was a teen. I can no longer perform any jobs that require gloves, as my middle finger on my right hand is bent at the 90. the process is long. It is difficult arduous and stressful. Personally I wish I had started before I got this bad. Now I am stuck in a situation where I may become homeless. You are such a kind person to help her. Please have her read this advice from me. Start the process as soon as you get diagnosed. Whether you need it right this second or not, at least by the time you get through the ocean of red tape, you won't be drowning.
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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@Harleyharlot excellent advice and thank you for sharing your story, as it may very well benefit @68padres.
Did you ever apply for disability? How is that process going, if so?
Do you have family that is able to assist you?
Last activity on 02/23/2023 at 10:28 AM
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9 comments posted | 8 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
thank you all for the support. An update... she is still working a lot and still struggling! Every day is a struggle... she has random pain in her knee and the doctor says that is because of RA... however she is not convinced and thinks she may need to see an orthopedic.
Anyone else have pain in their knee... like it getting caught and not wanting to move and just overall painful because of RA?
Update: I am also still working on convincing her to start disability!

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I have a pain in my knee, I'm not sure if it's RA cause I'm a coward and have no time to see a doctor. I'm using different creams and make salt baths and pray for the best. I actually heard salt baths are good for RA cases, if anyone's interested I buy it here [link removed] (sorry for the link, once I just bought some salt at a pharmacy and it was really bad quality).
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Last activity on 03/19/2025 at 3:40 AM
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@Nikodav I use the best CBD on the market. I have RA, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease and a pinched nerve that had my left leg painful and numb. If you want infonlet me know. Not all CBD is the same
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Last activity on 02/23/2023 at 10:28 AM
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9 comments posted | 8 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
@DonnaK can you please share the name of the CBD you recommend and what dosage you take.
Also, how severe is your RA? Are you still working?
Thank you for responding to me and sorry for the late reply.
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Last activity on 03/19/2025 at 3:40 AM
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Hi, my RA isn’t real bad yet but my aunt is crippled just about. I have many other issues, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, Osteoporosis, several arthritis in back and hips. And a pinched nerve that had my left leg numb and painful. Yes I am still working but don’t know how much longer. Email me at kloscorner@aol.com and I will share more. Suffice to say, I can walk now and my doctor(s) are very happy. Perhaps I won’t need surgery now.
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Last activity on 02/23/2023 at 10:28 AM
Joined in 2018
9 comments posted | 8 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
Hi all,
My ex-wife has RA pretty severe in her hands and unfortunately she refuses to stop working, partly out of she does not want to go on disability (She has too much pride) and partly because she needs the income because on disability she would have difficulty paying her mortgage and all the other bills accumulated over the years.
Her job is a Dental Hygienist, which requires great use of her hands and use of very small devices that need to be held by her hands. She is no longer working full-time as a Dental Hygienist because she lost her job a few years back when she was first diagnosed. (I believe her boss let her go because she was too slow with the RA).
Anyways, she now picks up jobs here and there temping as a hygienist and sometimes as an assistant.
I am doing my best to help her financially and support wise as well.
I wish she would apply for disability. She has a paraffin wax bath, she takes tumeric, and she takes biologic injections.
Are there any recommendations any of you would recommend that you think would help her with her pain and mobility to be able to better able control the pain and difficulty of use of her hands?
Does anyone take or have any luck with probiotics?