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- How do you manage your RA pain without letting it control your life?
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How do you manage your RA pain without letting it control your life?
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Last activity on 02/26/2024 at 12:37 AM
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48 comments posted | 13 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
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@Camremi One of the greatest struggle for anyone in chronic pain I think. I think if we ask anyone with chronic pain, they have at one time - or likely still do - let pain control a portion of their lives. But I would not word it as letting pain control your life... because we are not letting it... it is something we have and it is there every day, no matter what we do!
I think the question is how can we cope with chronic pain the best? I by no means have the answers because when I get out of bed, almost everyday I want to scream because my body from top to bottom aches... even worse because I have nerve pain from the neck stemming from a different issue outside of my RA which cause a lot of different type of sensations than RA.
However, I have found that staying busy keeps me from focusin on it because my mind is focused on something else. I have even gotten on Adderall to help me stay focused. I do not take it every day, but I do take it when I know I neeed to be productive.
I can tell you things I take to help contorl the pain, other than meds, but to be honest nothing takes away the pain... it is always there. I wish I had a better solution to your question.
Last activity on 01/08/2022 at 6:01 PM
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Thank you so much! Just hearing your perspective has helped tremendously. I haven't had the opportunity of connecting with people who share my condition so this is a blessing.

Unregistered member
Hello everyone,
I am a 35 year old Male with RA, and new to the group. I take MTX weekly and folic acid everyday. Since being on MTX I have not had any pain, or inflammation.
The biggest problem I am having is migranes and nausea up to 2 days after my medication day which is Sundays. I eat a good lunch and take the MTX and usually feel exhausted an hour later.
Any hints and tips to minimize the side effects I am experiencing?
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Last activity on 12/22/2024 at 9:03 PM
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Three years ago, after being diagnosed with RA, PF (polmunary fibrosis) and ILD ( interstitial lung disease), my doctors at the VA asked me to take mindfullness class. I have been meditating since I was 12, I am 63 now. For me it is music, meditating, mindfullness training, mild exercise ( walking, light weight lifting) and minimal medications. leflunomide and sulfasalazine. This is what is working for me.
Last activity on 11/30/2023 at 2:10 AM
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21 comments posted | 20 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
@Mark-IL, you think meditating and such mindfullness training helps with pain also? If so can you describe how it works and how you think it helps?
I have tried a lot, but I am always in pain and like @Camremi I would love to also enjoy life!
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Last activity on 12/22/2024 at 9:03 PM
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Jack48 and others,
I am not sure on how others envision their pain, and levels of pain.
I have been doing meditation for 51 year and only for the past 3 years have been dealing with medical issus, RA, PMR, PF, ILD and osteopenia.
so how does meditation help in my pain management and mindfullness which is a form of meditation.
Since my pain seems to be more of an achy dull soreness, rather then sharp, acute searing type.
meditating when the pain and accompaning stress becomes an issue helps me get past it.
Mindfullness is an awareness of the moment, by paying attention in a sustained and particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally. i am quoting Jon Kabat-Zinn from his book Mindfulness for Beginners
for me when the pain becomes bothersome, unbearable, I use the training I got from mindfullness and focus my awareness away from the pain. the pain itself does not change, but my focus is no longer about the pain but placed else where.
I was lucky to take a 6 month, 1 day a week, 3 hours a day class in mindfullness at the VA hospital in Tucson AZ.
so to summarize, when the pain, which is more dull achy sorness and annoying, becomes an issue for me I take a small about from my day to focus away from the pain, This happens many times through out my day. the time can be as little as 10 as long as an hour,
This has helped me, If this interests you as an alternative to medications, or to supplment them I would suggest you check in your area about mindfullness classes
I hope this helps
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Last activity on 02/26/2024 at 12:37 AM
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48 comments posted | 13 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
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@Mark-IL Sounds very interesting. How you recommend me lean meditation? I am assuming this is different than mindfullness.
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Last activity on 12/22/2024 at 9:03 PM
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I would see if there are any mindfullness classes in your area, you can always get books and videos on line,
mindfullness is one form of meditation.
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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Hi everyone,
How are you doing? Have you seen this older discussion?
Since chronic pain is a key part of rheumatoid arthritis, I think this is an important topic for us to discuss!
How do you manage your RA pain and keep it from consuming you? Do you take any particular medicines or supplements, or do you have a more "mind over matter" approach?
@JAZZYJESS @Alain16 @NYNicky @Samapollosadie @Kmb0707 @nicsacct @CarolH @Nabialamkhan @Coriherenow @amyrose @drIce78 @Pilgrim2008 @gailnsc2 @alillard @Miriamargi @Empress30 @JVandemark
Share your advice, perspectives, and tips here!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 10/27/2020 at 6:47 PM
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Hello! I don’t actually have RA, a close friend of mine does so I joined to learn more from the community, thanks!
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Last activity on 01/08/2022 at 6:01 PM
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5 comments posted | 5 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
I've always struggled in managing my pain and having it control how I operate everyday. Whether it be getting dressed or making myself something to eat I've always let my pain dictate when I do those things. I struggle with putting that pain to the backburner and just enjoying everyday life. Anyone have any insight on how to not let it control your life? Something I've struggled with for years as I've had arthritis ever since I was 4.