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Share the your experience with surgery for skin cancer
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6 comments posted | 5 in the Skin cancer Forum
I had the Mohs surgery over a year ago on the center and right part of my nose with the forehead flap surgery afterwards. After the surgery, I had excruciating headaches off and on for what felt like forever, but I believe it was around 1.5 months when I started to feel them release.
I did not really feel better and start to feel confident about myself until about 5 months after the surgery.

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It seems to me that the Moh operation is the most efficient way. As a reminder, the Moch Surgery is a type of surgery used to treat skin cancer. It is performed according to a specific method that removes all cancerous skin cells, but at the same time preserves healthy tissue. This helps to limit scar formation. Moh's surgery is the most effective treatment for skin cancer. It is often performed for skin cancers that are localized in areas where it is important to preserve the appearance and function of the skin. I see no point in considering other treatments besides these three, as these are the most common treatments for skin cancer. To be honest, modern surgery is amazing. If you look at the complexity of the operations that are performed on a daily basis, then skin cancer treatment, [link removed by Community Manager for violation of community standards], keserese section and other types of surgical intervention are just a trifle with a high chance of success.
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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.
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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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1,337 comments posted | 4 in the Skin cancer Forum
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There exists varying degrees of surgery for skin cancer. Some of the more common methods are:
(1) Excisional surgery: doctor cuts out the cancerous tissue and a surrounding margin of healthy skin.
(2) Mohs surgery: doctor removes the skin growth layer by layer, examining each layer under the microscope, until no abnormal cells remain. This procedure allows cancerous cells to be removed without taking an excessive amount of surrounding healthy skin.
(3) Curettage and electrodesiccation or cryotherapy: After removing most of a growth, the doctor scrapes away layers of cancer cells using a curet. An electric needle destroys any remaining cancer cells. In a variation of this procedure, liquid nitrogen can be used to freeze the base and edges of the treated area.
Whether you had one of the above types of surgery or other, comment and share your experience.