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- Share tips and tricks to help you breathe better in the cold and windy weather and how this weather affects your asthma
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Share tips and tricks to help you breathe better in the cold and windy weather and how this weather affects your asthma
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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I am copying tips and tricks that members have shared in other discussion topics. Please also share your own tips and tricks and experiences.
@peppervaldez69 says "Weather plays a big role for me, especially wind. I usually stay indoors on windy days." " I wear a facemask but I still get sick."
@Donmarie says "I have a cloth mask I use when it really cold out. You can order some online."
@Angeleyes0001a says "I live in the desert and find that when its cold I have a harder time breathing. I feel like my lungs just don't want to breathe it in. I use my shirt to cover my nose and mouth, but a scarf sounds like a better solution."
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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@JessicaJeri says "Germ masks and Dust masks work. Your sleeve of your coat can work too. ...A blue germ or a simple light dust mask (sold over the counter, some times found in the hardware departments) can also be a big help keeping the cold out of delicate lungs. I’ve used them since I was little. They are also great in high pollen times. ...Another great trick I do when I don’t have a scarf or mask is use the sleeve of my coat. All I do is pull my sleeve down on my jacket, pulling my hand up into the sleeve about four or so inches and use the open cuff as a make-shift mask, covering my nose and mouth. Just breathe in and out through the whole sleeve. It helps warm the lungs back up quickly. This trick can be a lifesaver if your ever caught outside in the cold too long unexpectedly."
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Last activity on 03/03/2022 at 8:36 AM
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Thanks! Masks are helpful during rough weather but when i forget mine at home a coat sleeve will have to do. @Lee__R thanks JessicaJeri
Last activity on 08/23/2023 at 4:25 PM
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cold weather is gone now but that windy weather still gets me sometimes! that and pollen i feel dunno what's worse pollen or gold weather.... masks are a must for both though! i think it helps
Last activity on 09/21/2019 at 11:08 PM
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Silica is very important to lung health according to dr. Louis Pasteur in the 1800's silica cures a lot of cellular damage all cells need silica. Asparagus and celery are high in silica eating often you will notice a big difference in your lung function. A CRP test will tell you how much inflammation you have in your body mine was .1 which is awesome you can eat a high anti-inflammatory diet with fish oil fish lots of vegetables fruits stay organic if you can there's a big reason for it but I won't go into it here. Take a teaspoon of turmeric and milk once a day or twice a day will work wonders it controls 3000 body metabolic processes most people short on magnesium so take 600 to 800 mg of magnesium citrate or any magnesium but magnesium oxide which is terrible your body absorbs only 4% of that. Check your insulin levels see if they're normal both fasting and 2-hour postprandial there are insulin Friendly Foods like lentils too much insulin and Insulin destroys your body tissues too little insulin and your body tissues are destroyed. This is Dr Majid Ali from Columbia University New York City. I had COPD in 2013 and I cured it I'm a health researcher 31 years I had multiple myeloma and cured it in 1 month and that was a test about Medical College of Georgia they gave me a body scan I was cured now Goji juice is a miracle worker or any of the major fruits like mangosteen Noni juice acai drinking those will work wonders towards your health in other parts of your body. Keep a clean body when you eat Natural Foods you don't get toxified and toxicity can work towards your destruction. Buy a far infrared sauna a portable one on eBay for $180 this will cleanse your body of toxins and allow your body to be all it can be research all these things and see how good they are for you. Drink spring water do not drink tap water and be very careful any bottled water that there is because a recent study done by President Trump's people and I wrote him a letter about it is it all the Waters of Tainted by Pharmaceuticals and nobody filters out the Pharmaceuticals so get the Deep spring water they don't find it in Europe the Pharmaceuticals are not in the Deep Waters of Europe. Waters like Evian volvik Icelandic are Healing Waters. Make sure your body pH is around 7 to 7.3 this will work wonders for information which is a big part of lung problems. God bless you all
Last activity on 06/03/2021 at 5:08 PM
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17 comments posted | 12 in the Asthma Forum
@MichaelR Thank you for all that information. I am looking into everything you mentioned. Are you certain bottled waters are not safe here? Also... I drink a lot of tap water. The city I am in is supposed to have very good tap water, but now you made me rethink what I have been doing.
Thank you.
Last activity on 09/21/2019 at 11:08 PM
Joined in 2019
Hi BR,
Some cities are non fluoridated, but few are. Look on youtube about bottled water. Many are just reverse osmosis sewage water, ie filtered, they call it purified for good reason.
Last activity on 04/28/2020 at 3:00 PM
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In my area, ragweed is really high right now. Combine that with a windy day, like today, and it can cause me too cough a lot. My pulmonologist ‘s nurse just told me that during ragweed season I should avoid 3 foods: bananas, watermelon, and cucumbers. She said d their DNA is similar to ragweed. You found that quite illuminating.
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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Hi everyone - restarting this discussion as colder weather is approaching! A large portion of the United States experienced a cold front this week, with temperatures in the Midwest already getting into the upper 30s!
Did the cold front affect you and your asthma? Did it catch you off guard, since it kind of came out of nowhere for some portions of the USA? What did you do to manage its impacts on your breathing?
Last activity on 04/28/2020 at 3:00 PM
Joined in 2019
Yes, it did catch me by surprise. I thought just bundling up and wearing layers would do the trick. But now I am wheezing and coughing up dark mucus, so I probably have another lung infection. ☹️
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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There has been recently much discussion between members on how the cold and windy weather affects their asthma, as well as sharing different tips and tricks on how to breathe easier during this weather, which often makes breathing more difficult for those with asthma. However, these discussions were occuring in discussions inside other topics, so members browsing would have a hard time finding these discussions. Therefore, to make it easier, we have created a discussion dedicated to this topic.
Discuss how the wind and cold affects your asthma.
Share your tips and tricks for how to breathe easier in the cold and windy weather, as well as share your experiences.