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Mental illness and social distancing - How are you doing?
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Last activity on 05/28/2020 at 11:37 PM
Joined in 2020
1 comment posted | 1 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
I am struggling especially now that there really seems to be no end in sight in my state. The hardest part is not being able to go to my therapist office for my appointments. That’s really my only safe place. Not having that has caused a lot more distress.
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Last activity on 08/13/2020 at 8:19 AM
Joined in 2019
20 comments posted | 8 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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i hope you are all doing as well as you can. I'm really struggling. I am disabled from 18 health conditions, some very serious, many incurable, and one progressive disorder. 10 months ago I had to leave LA, my home of 3 years (but I wanted to live there much longer), and to my small rural hometown in the hope of getting better medical care at a nearby large research hospital. I am away from my partner of 4 years and living with my parents (who I love but cant live with my mom, dad is cool but also doesnt know how to help me) who also take care of me (which I hate, I'd much rather have my partner help me). my partner visits every 1 to 3 months. every time they leave, I get so depressed- she makes everything better and is the light of my life- and her love keeps me going. I have no friends here and cant even go to my cousins house because they are all in quarantine, as am I. I hate staying in the same place and i was bed bound for one year and housebound for over 2 years total. it sucks so much that now that I have all my diagnosis and better medical care I cant do what makes me happy and my mental health has been suffering. I realized even when quarantine ends I have no friends in town who can see me when I need it and hang out regularl . my only friend in oregon lives 5 hours round trip away and isnt always available as his health is also unpredictable so he sometimes cancels day of our plans. my main companion is my cat. I have a different schedule with my parents and really need time with them as they are my only in person social interaction. I ask them to sit outside with me while I smoke medical marijuana (it's the only thing that helps my nausea and vomiting. I've tried every med on the market, they all failed) but they always leave me waiting. it's so dissapointing and makes me feel like they dont care unless I'm in crisis. this year and last, I went to the ER more times than I left the house for fun shit. I also was admitted to the hospital more times than I had dates with my partner (and not for lack of want). it's been so hard and painful of a journey for me and it seems endless. I want to give up. my partner lives in an abusive home and theres nothing I can do to stop it (and that kills me inside). the people in my town treat me really bad because I'm like the 1st young person who they have seen in a wheelchair. it only makes my isolation worse. and also my dream has been going back to school and after 1 year 4 months I'm ending my medical leave at university! but the issue is my private school has in person summer class AND ISNT OPENING THEIR ACCESSIBLE HOUSING EVEN THOUGH ITS PERFECTLY USABLE so I have to wait until fall to return to school because I'm a wheelchair user.
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Emil Lachlan
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Last activity on 08/13/2020 at 8:19 AM
Joined in 2019
20 comments posted | 8 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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@twomes I hope you're doing well . if you are looking for new skills check therapistaid.com for worksheets and there are lots of other free online resources. instagram and pinterest also have posts about mental health, mindfulness, and recovery (as well as possibly an understanding community). if you have a kindle (or download the app on your phone) lookup free books mental health on amazon and you will find some good stuff. the app store also has a lot of mental health apps for anxiety, depression, ptsd, bipolar, bpd, gratitude, mood tracking, panic disorder. I like moodtools it has a safety plan in case you are suicidal. want free counseling? check out the app or website 7cups of tea for a personalized treatment plan and access to free counseling 24/7 and also some online therapy (may cost money I've never used it). other apps for community: we are more, unmasked mental health, talklife. I hope these help somewhat, best of luck in your recovery
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Emil Lachlan
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Last activity on 08/13/2020 at 8:19 AM
Joined in 2019
20 comments posted | 8 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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I've been trying Acceptance and commitment therapy, which is new to me. also been refreshing my DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) coping skills. trying to take care of myself physically and when I get upset or triggered I think of what my risk/vulnerability factors are and target those as well as my feelings and thoughts. ive also been trying to do mindfulness daily, and move around as much as I can
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Emil Lachlan
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Last activity on 12/31/2022 at 4:04 PM
Joined in 2021
15 comments posted | 10 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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I find that writing in my journal helps me. Sometimes what I write might seem like gibberish to other people. But just getting the thoughts out of my head and onto paper makes life easier. I also have started a Gratitude Journal. Everyday I find at least 1 thing to be thankful for. A raindrop running down my nose or something that small. But I feel like it helps me remember that, even though my life is rough most of the time, I can find the good.
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Last activity on 07/29/2022 at 7:56 PM
Joined in 2020
32 comments posted | 6 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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I definitely feel for all of you who are going through so much!!! I, on the other hand, feel healthy right now, even through this pandemic. I am constantly aware of Covid-19's implications and difficulties and goings on. I am taking all precautions about it where I live now. I use hand sanitizer, wash up frequently, and keep to myself a lot anyway. So, it's nothing new really. I am social, yes, but I like my private time as well. It's handy now, isn't it? Thanks.
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Mark Rodrigue
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Last activity on 03/31/2023 at 9:02 AM
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174 comments posted | 6 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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I go to yoga and listen to music
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Last activity on 03/31/2023 at 9:02 AM
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174 comments posted | 6 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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Hello, my anxiety has been really bad. Work has been more stressful. I was still having trouble sleeping too
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Last activity on 10/10/2023 at 10:27 AM
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19 comments posted | 3 in the Behavioural disorders / Mental illness Forum
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Hi, I haven't been on here in a bit, but I've been struggling lately with all of this. I struggle with bipolar disorder and anxiety. I'm hoping to share with you all and ask you how you're doing during this lockdown and the coronavirus situation in general?
To tell the truth, it has really not been easy to cope with everything that is happening. I've had ups and downs, and being isolated from my family has at times caused me a lot of stress. I am very afraid that someone close to me will get infected, I have a constant uncertainty and with the long days that sometimes pass very slowly and give me a lot of time (probably too much time) to think.
I think it helps me a lot to talk about things and exteriorize my feelings - it helps me realize when my fears are irrational and that this, as everything in life, will pass.
Hopefully this will help some others too, please feel free to share how you are doing too! I could really use a friend right now. What are you doing to pass the time and ease your anxieties?
Stay safe!