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Do you have difficulty identifying dangerous pain?
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Last activity on 05/18/2024 at 4:39 PM
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11 comments posted | 4 in the Chronic pain Forum
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Sometimes when I go to sleep I feel like I am gonna die. I have been getting this alot lately
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Christine Fabian
Last activity on 11/25/2024 at 5:04 AM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Chronic pain Forum
Yes I have it also
It's terrible to suffer from. I have found some relief through pain management. Sometimes the pain is unmanageable still 💔
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Last activity on 04/21/2024 at 8:17 PM
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603 comments posted | 23 in the Chronic pain Forum
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Hi @fibrome
How are you doing today?
This symptom does indeed sound dangerous. I hope your dog bite wasn't serious.
Let me see if anyone else has a similar symptom.
@Sparky71 @HBIC1015 @Jenowe07 @MissyAnn @Susie22 @Kelley62 @Sharihurts @Lmtoliver @Ouchy123 @ginamc @Nicole197698 @Daisy79 @Sans5127 @KirbyRose58 @TomArieta @Shea0317 @Kaitsmom @simplyavonforyou @Drakana @ChandraCassity @ElinorCody @Terilee @Kellymae @Msmothers72 @Meandmydog @iowakellyfamily @Pinkcoffeecup @ladyryuku @CallaLili @SadMomma
Do your pain receptors mis-read signals? How do you interpret inconsistent pain? Do you have any checks in place to make sure your body isn't in danger?
Take care,
Lizzi from the Carenity team
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Last activity on 01/21/2025 at 7:57 PM
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33 comments posted | 32 in the Chronic pain Forum
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I’ve had chronic vaginal pain for years. I’ve seen every specialist and have had MRI’s, CAT scans without success of a diagnosis. Had a ganglion nerve block and 4 pudendal nerve shots. I’ve taken every pain med available without relief.
As a last resort I was told to get Keratine infusions. Unfortunately they aren’t available in my area. Medical marijuana is my last hope. Not sure if it’ll work or how it works even. I’ll hopefully get a state card in about a month. Fingers crossed!
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Last activity on 03/05/2025 at 2:35 AM
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I can relate I have peripheral neuropathy PMR and MD sometime a fly landing on my arm or face can cause my system to really over react but I can gouge myself with a knife or screwdriver and until blood flows down my leg or arm I don’t notice
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Last activity on 01/21/2025 at 7:57 PM
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33 comments posted | 32 in the Chronic pain Forum
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@Nobighurry 😢
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Last activity on 08/22/2024 at 12:07 AM
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7 comments posted | 5 in the Chronic pain Forum
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Hi fibome,
It's 11:14pm I read your post & I felt the need to respond. I am 65, have fibro, lupus, other auto immune things, other issues, sjorgens, hypothyroidism & more etc... I have had it for 25 yrs. I do exercise with all this "junk" for lack of a better term, I'm writing in my digital diary & stopped to reflect. I work hard in our home, 2 story 6 bed, 2 bath...... upstairs, I hardly climb the stairs, bcuz that was how I became disabled, a fall from stairs to a basement apartment I rented underneath a couple of old Italian couple, in my neighborhood I grew up in in Reno nv with my new old hubby Albie, coming home from our honeymoon, with a suitcase hitting me the whole way down the stairs. Basta oh yeah I'm re acquaintance myself with a new old language Italian. Gotta go end of movie get to watch it all PERFECTIONISM? Moral of my story fast forward I'm not feeling as horrible daily, I do chores harder than I've done in yrs. Have fun while doing it, with a few explosives in between, I'm not saying I'm glad to be disabled but I deal with it, pain, accomodations, are now necessary but ifuntion. Take care, breathe, do what you can , rest repeat sending love & prayers fellow fibrofighter. Robin Grateful Lady
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Last activity on 02/23/2024 at 12:23 PM
Joined in 2019
22 comments posted | 7 in the Chronic pain Forum
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Hey Carenity,
I have fibromyalgia pain but I wonder if anyone else with chronic pain can relate.
As part of my condition, my nervous system "misreads" pain signals. Something as small as normal as wearing clothes feels like sharp pains on my body where as something dangerous like my dog biting me feels like nothing.
I worry that I won't know when my body is in 'danger'. I think my brain is so used to ignoring 'danger' signals because I get sharp pains for so many small things (someone putting their hand on the back of my shoulder in a restaurant, someone bumping into me in the subway) that I will no longer react when something actually life threatening happens.
Does this happen to anyone else?