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Do you have trouble sleeping?
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 22 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
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@curtaincall Hello curtaincall, thank you for opening this discussion. Let me see if there are any other members who can share their experience with this!
Hi everyone, how are you doing? Do you every have trouble sleeping because of your fibromyalgia? Have you tried anything that helps? Do you have any tips or advice to share?
@Shaysee13 @julie1029 @Dutchy007 @Lovemegalooo @KKblue @apalila @MichelleP @Kfulcer @dbuchko44991234 @Blueboy @Irreverent @SilverMoon @JackieMarie @Cindirella59 @declann @wendland75
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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Last activity on 10/18/2022 at 6:00 PM
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@curtaincall @Courtney_J Hey, I had some issues when I was in lockdown, I think the change in my schedule messed up my internal rhythm or something. It was rough. When I don't sleep well it often pushes me into a flare so I really try to get at least 8 hours every night. I get the struggle, the pain keeps you from sleeping and then the lack of sleep causes pain. What ended up helping me was cutting off all screens starting at like 6 PM and then doing a nightly relaxation yoga/relaxation session. And if the pain was really bad I'd drink a "sleepytime tea" about a half hour before bed to try to help me sleep faster. I try to avoid taking extra pain meds where I can just as personal preference, but if your doctor says it's ok, taking another pain medication can obviously help if that's what's keeping you up.
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Last activity on 01/02/2023 at 5:26 PM
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I have trouble getting to sleep. I do leg stretches which help, then I get up and go into the living room and sit in my big leather armchair and stretch out. There is something about stretching out without blankets weighted around me (I am dressed in tights and a long-sleeved shirt and socks) that relaxes me and I read for a few minutes and often fall asleep within about 10-15 minutes. I wake and go to bed and usually sleep. I know this sounds crazy but it works most of the time and I have no idea why. When we get desperate, anything is worth a try.
Does anyone else deal with neuropathic pain as well as fibromyalgia?
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Edythe Anstey Hanen
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@Edythe Yes I have both Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy. I have insomnia at times because of the pain in my hips. It gets so bad at times. I also like to read and streatch out. Reading helps me relax. Most times I watch the Golden Girls. For some reason that show relaxes me. Now that sounds weird.
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Last activity on 01/02/2023 at 5:26 PM
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It doesn't sound weird to me! I have found that distraction works. If I am very involved in something I cannot notice pain for hours. And that makes me crazy because if I can distract myself it shows that there is a mind/body connection. And that makes me feel that there is something I can do. Frustrating. I am in a fibromyalgia flare and it makes the neuropathy worse. I'm thinking of trying acupuncture for the pain. I also have chest pain with the neuropathy which is another diagnosis but related. It's called Costchondritis.
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Edythe Anstey Hanen
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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Hi everyone,
How are you doing? Have you seen this discussion yet? What do you think?
Do you have trouble sleeping with fibromyalgia? How do you deal with it? What helps you?
@loucan2 @SuzieLooWho @Cheri333 @Vbarrios919 @Becca1976 @DMarie74 @CelticLady19* @fibrome @Randi426
Feel free to share here, we're all here to help one another!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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Last activity on 01/02/2023 at 5:26 PM
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For many people with fibromyalgia taking Elavil helps with the sleeping. I took it for years but it seemed to make my restless legs/body worse so I stopped.
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Edythe Anstey Hanen
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Last activity on 01/12/2024 at 12:47 AM
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@Edythe I had the same problem with Elavil. My doctor switched me to Desyrel and it helped a lot. My doctor also told me to eat a protein snack before going to bed because our blood sugar drops during the night and can keep you up. So I eat something small as I'm getting ready for bed to keep my sugar up while I sleep. Between that and the meds it's helped some.
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Last activity on 01/02/2023 at 5:26 PM
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I will try that. Thanks.
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Edythe Anstey Hanen
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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Last activity on 11/29/2022 at 2:26 PM
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37 comments posted | 17 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Hi everyone, I've really been struggling with my sleep lately. How do you all cope with the nightly fight with broken sleep? Is their anything you find that helps? Medication? Alternative meds? Relaxation techniques? Lotions? Sprays? Massage? Anything?
I'm so desperate at this point i'll try anything. Thanks for any ideas you all have!