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Living with Fibromyalgia during the Coronavirus Pandemic
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Last activity on 10/18/2022 at 6:00 PM
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35 comments posted | 18 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
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@fibrome Hi there, I'm just getting back on here after a bit of a break from the internet. I've been having more sleep problems since the lockdown started, and I'm guessing it's because I'm not getting out and about as I used to and I think it's playing games with my circadian rhythm. I'm comforted by the fact that primary fibro like I have doesn't affect our immune system so we're not particularly at a higher risk of complications than others, but staying at home is still hard on me mentally. I try to get out once a day for a walk and a brief stretch when I'm not having a flare up, but it's not enough so I've been feeling more achey and tired.
Has anyone had COVID-19 symptoms or know anyone who has gotten it?
Stay safe!
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 22 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
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@fibrome @toomuchpain Hello fibrome and toomuchpain, thank you for starting and commenting on this discussion! Let me tag some members who may not have seen the discussion!
Hello members, I hope you don't mind that I've tagged you! How are you doing during the lockdown? Have you been taking any special precautions? What are you doing to take care of your symptoms or your mental health during this time?
@user_d296c_ci8hfbz1 @dingalingas @tlester451 @NettyJ @Samedu08 @Jen-ny @Vickijustvicki @Carlysm @sweetladyjayne @KristinaH92 @Marybeth @Shellibelli @shaylee99 @Shaysee13 @julie1029 @Dutchy007
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 11/19/2020 at 3:27 PM
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Struggling with physical pain daily and trying to keep moving despite the pain. I haven’t been sleeping well at all which is definitely wearing me down however after 14 neuro surgeries nothing’s gonna keep me down and I consider it a blessing to be able to walk and use my arms and legs. Hang in there friends . We’re in this together 💜
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Last activity on 08/12/2024 at 7:35 PM
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9 comments posted | 1 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
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I'm not doing bad, I usually don't go anywhere anyway. I'm telling people welcome to my life, I've been in social distancing for years. I had to go to the doctor for refills, they make me come in every month because I get Lyrica and Tramadol. One Tramadol per day, woohoo. I think that's ridiculous. Anyway, because of the virus we had the visit online, which was awesome.
I don't have as much pain as I used to with my fibro as long as I take my Lyrica, but it seems like the fatigue gets worse over time. I also have emphysema and chronic kidney disease, so I'm sure that's part of it. Some days it feels like gravity has been increased and I weigh 3 times normal. I can barely drag myself around.
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Tamara Lester
Last activity on 11/29/2022 at 2:26 PM
Joined in 2018
37 comments posted | 17 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
I'm not doing bad as well. I really hoped that with being home all the time and taking walks around the neighborhood, I would start to feel my pain lessening. Instead it has got worse and it's harder to fight off the blues and the dark thoughts. I think when I'm busy the adrenaline flows and carries me through.
I feel guilty about complaining though since so many people are going through hell with the virus.
Last activity on 11/29/2022 at 2:26 PM
Joined in 2018
37 comments posted | 17 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Really struggling with my sleep during all of this (hence my posting at the crack of dawn), has anyone else seen their sleep get worse during the lockdown?
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Last activity on 10/30/2024 at 12:00 AM
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14 comments posted | 4 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
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@fibrome Hi, I have been stressed myself during this pandemic. I have been coping as best as I can. I have taken up a new crocheting project to keep me busy. I try to take walks as well.
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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@HelloKitty I started taking kratom when I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia, it means I have constant pulling of my neck and shoulder muscles. Botox is the primary treatment , 6 to 8 shots targeting muscles but its hit and miss. I told a friend about this and he told me about kratom, so I went to a kratom shop and talked to the owner. He learned I was an Army Veteran and sold me some capsules. Unbelievable the kratom knocked out the pain and relieved some of the spasms and pulling that was 5 years ago, and I am still taking it for chronic pain. I have found the vendors to trust and a fbook website to share experiences with others. Like all things kratom must be handled with common sense, and reading info on the web helps educate us all. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS WITH MY CHRONIC PAIN
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Yes I agree. Im on morphine and Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and yours as well. I have some others also. If I want to work in the back yard, I am sleep mode if I set down. The next morning and at night is paying with great pain. Its a hard road in many ways. We have to keep going best as we can. Have a smile and good day to you. I have the stimulator too.
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Ambassador@Somya.P My neurologist gave me a script through the state dispensary for aid with sleep. It helps with sleep. The script is for low dose THC, so it aids with minor pain. I have learned through my trials of product that CBD gummies help with sleep, but not pain. In my state, CBD gummies can be bought at local corner stores.
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Last activity on 02/23/2024 at 12:23 PM
Joined in 2019
22 comments posted | 12 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
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Hello all,
I noticed in the other groups that there are a few discussions set up about the coronavirus, so I though maybe we could have one here.
I think we're all a bit in the same situation right now with the virus. It's not great fun being cooped up in doors, but my husband and I are doing our best to cope. I've been getting into some old unfinished crafting projects that I had put aside years ago so that's keeping me busy, but it has gotten harder and harder over the years with the pins and needles in my hands. But I'm struggling through it!
I hope you're all doing well and are managing your symptoms and medications! I was due for an appointment with my doctor this month but it's been cancelled as it's "non-essential". Again, hope everyone is doing alright!