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Is this lupus? Please read my symptoms and help
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Last activity on 06/16/2020 at 3:02 PM
Joined in 2018
I total understand and a diagnose can take years . Truly, they only treat the symptoms . The infection is it on the skin? Was a biopsy done ? There is a autoimmune of the skin called morphea. It starts as a bruise like and turns like a sore it’s painful. It can present like cellulitis if doctors are not familiar . I’m accepting new normals and learning natural ways to help . It’s still very very hard . I’ve been in a active flare for over a year . I pray you get some Answers
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Last activity on 11/16/2023 at 1:34 AM
Joined in 2019
155 comments posted | 31 in the Lupus Forum
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@Bzano486 diagnoses unfortunately take years and often come with numerous misdiagnosis. I have been there and struggled with that. You have some symptoms of lupus, but lupus has so many symptoms that are common of others and the symptoms differ freatly from one person to the next.
Such that it is impossible to say until you get the diagnosis and the treatments begin to work.
I have known people that have taken the ANA test and had it positive, yet ultimately they still did not have lupus. They had some other disease stimulating the immune system.
When is your ANA test?

Unregistered member
sorry to hear your symptoms, but be strong and everything will be fine. As lupus is very hard to diagnose, you may take months or years to have an accurate diagnosis. ANA test isn't sometime enough to diagnose your lupus, as several other autoimmune disease also have positive test with ANA test. You may do other blood tests, like CRP and ESR, urine test, imaging tests, tissue biopsies to know whether you have lupus or not
Last activity on 08/04/2024 at 9:44 PM
Joined in 2023
Based on the symptoms described, it is important that you consult a doctor or specialist to determine the underlying cause of your health problems.
It would be a good idea to start by making an appointment with a rheumatologist who specializes in autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Lupus can have different symptoms that affect different organs and body systems and can sometimes be difficult to diagnose.
During your appointment, it would be helpful to discuss all your symptoms, your medical history, and any relevant test results you have received so far. Your rheumatologist may recommend a thorough physical examination and prescribe specific tests to further assess your condition. A blood test for antinuclear antibodies, used to diagnose lupus and other autoimmune diseases, which is carried out at Number One Lab .
While waiting for a diagnosis, it can be helpful to seek support from others who have experienced similar health problems. There are online communities, support groups, and forums where people share their stories and give advice. Talking to others who have had similar experiences can provide emotional support and valuable insights.
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Last activity on 07/04/2020 at 3:23 PM
Joined in 2019
2 comments posted | 2 in the Lupus Forum
I had a bad infection about a year ago and the doctors at the hospital suspected an autoimmune disease but I had already been researching lupus. Now a year later I have so many "idiopathic" problems that have to add up to something. I really hope someone will read this but here are some symptoms. #1 and most troubling has been the extreme fatigue. I went to sleep studies, was tested for Narcolepsy and was told I didn't get any REM sleep the 18 hours I was there sleeping and taking naps. So now i'm on stimulants that aren't helping much. I'm anemic with low blood counts and hemoglobin, low CO2, (don't know if that correlates but I'll ramble everything off quickly), occassional Malar rash, heat sensitivity, painful urination without infection and 2mm (a year ago) cyst on my kidney, stomach pain, nausea, confusion, memory problems, seizures (still idiopathic and ok with all my doctors!) Headaches, hair thinning, and joint pain with swelling in my thumbs (I'm young but have some arthritis in my neck). The other thing I have found is leukemia and other blood cancers but I've just thought lupus fit better. My doctors are aware of all of this and I'm going to finally at least have an ANA Panel done. Does anyone know if that's covered by insurance? This will probably get costly and I'll give up because I've lost faith. I also had a precancerous skin wart that my doctor thought was abnormal but instead of removing all 5, he removed 1 and didn't think to order further tests! Someone please share their story. I know diagnoses can take years so I'm willing to get the important things done first. Thank you for listening!