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- COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
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Last activity on 08/17/2023 at 12:26 AM
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85 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@Courtney_J Hi Courtney, I'm really worried about this. I've been trying to stay as safe as possible and wear my mask and social distance and all of that, but I'm worried it's not enough. I feel like we don't know enough about the virus (especially when you see people testing positive for the antibodies after never having symptoms) and we're not very close to finding a viable vaccine. I think it's been such a hard time for us all, but rushing to get back to normal and then forgetting all safety measures is not safe for us with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems. I just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.
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Last activity on 01/17/2021 at 9:42 PM
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I am pretty sure we will see a dramatic increase here in the states, when they send the kids back to school, that is where I think the majority of our virus are spread, then to the family and then to the rest of us. I don't see any way around it, and it is how we develop our immune systems normally. But with this one we have to be extra careful to keep those of us who have some preexisting conditions away from those with the virus. Our bodies will develop an antibody naturally eventually or those of us that are less effected by this virus will be the only ones left. I would like to know the amount of survivors that are exposed to covid - 19 a second time, how are their bodies reacting to that? Is it just as tough on them or does their body fight it off better. It is going to be around for a while so we need to learn to be a bit more aware of our abilities to catch and give it to others. Stay home wear a mask and eat and live a healthy lifestyle, and limit our socializing. That is the hardest part for a lot of us. We want and need to interact with others. It will take all of us working towards the same goals. Good luck to all of us.
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Last activity on 03/04/2025 at 11:23 PM
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I live in Florida, now one of the Hot Spots. We have passed NY in cases, now it's California 1st, we're 2nd. Seeing hundreds of new cases daily along with many deaths. Thank God the RNC was cancelled in Duval County, where I live. My thought here is we need to go back to Phase One but don't have much confidence that will happen. I'm back to work a day & a 1/2 a week, not sure if that's good since work in retail, love my job & can't imagine quitting. Take every precaution possible. My life consists of going anywhere is working the day & 1/2 & grocery shopping once a week. Have cancelled 2 summer vacation plans. Are we already in a second phase, who knows. But not seeing anything getting better. To All Be Safe, Prayers for our country as we're battling this.
here I live....
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Last activity on 07/31/2021 at 5:08 PM
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We will absolutely see a second wave! So many more get get sick; more will die from a preventable illness. Believe in science. Believe in medicine. We gave Trump's facist regime a chance and they failed us miserably. Vote for a change that will protect this dumpster fire called the US. VOTE BLUE!
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Meg K
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Last activity on 10/17/2024 at 9:03 PM
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I'm fairly certain that we'll see a second wave of COVID, as we're getting out of this first wave. As a country, we did this completely wrong the first time around. The entire United States would have to be shut down again - stay at home everyone; masks for all, all the time; everything the way it was the first time around. I'm not sure that our country could do this. I must say that Europe and other countries are much better at doing what's good for their own countries, and not just for themselves. America is fine-tuned into "I, me, and my", a fairly ego-centric nation.
May I add that I'm an RN with my Masters' in Community Health, I've spent the 53 years working in Critical Care and Emergency Department. That's the background that I'm supporting my ideas with.
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Carolyn A. Walsh, MSN, RN
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Last activity on 03/04/2025 at 11:15 PM
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There is a second wave going on right now, but most of the infected people are ages 19-24. They may have the virus, but most of them are healthy enough, that most of them will not need to go to a hospital. That is what is different about this second wave..
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Last activity on 03/27/2025 at 9:33 PM
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I’m just concerned about the second coronavirus wave as I am about the first wave
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Jason McNeil
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@Courtney_J Hi! I am concerned about COVID-19 as well. I try to stay away from big crowds, sanitize my hands after I touch doors, etc., and practice social distancing. I fear that many just dont care that much about the disease anymore. My job requires me to go to social places, so I have to be careful. Having said that, I cant make anyone do anything, but I can take care of me. I try to stay positive and talk to my HP about it. Ty
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Last activity on 10/17/2024 at 9:03 PM
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Our middle daughter is also a nurse, an Emergency Department nurse. She works the front line in an ED right outside of DC. She asks if these "young and healthy' don't need hospitalization, why are there no beds in hospitals now, in "hot spots", and increasing in other places. So, we might be in the initial rising phase of the second wave perhaps, but the population is still flocking to their nearest hospital. And how do we stop that? It's a real problem in this country, as it has been in others. We are losing a LOT of people to death. We have an inside eye into it.
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Carolyn A. Walsh, MSN, RN
grandma of 15
grandma of 15
Last activity on 12/15/2020 at 1:56 PM
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It will be a second wave no doubt .All we can do is what's best for us as we know or are told. Trust GOD is most important because HIS will ..will be done. What I don't particularly like on here is how some are making this political on here.Thought I could come here to get away from all the mess and bickering about it on all social sites :(
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Hello everyone,
How are you doing today?
As countries throughout the world are and have been coming out of lockdown and life is begining to return to "normal", many people and health authorities have begun to ask the question: Will there be a second wave of COVID-19?
And you, what do you think? Do you think we will see a second wave of COVID-19 outbreak? What should we do to prevent a resurgence?
Feel free to share and discuss any doubts, fears, and feelings you may be having in the comments!
Take care,