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What's your Type 2 Diabetes story? Let's share!
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Last activity on 09/12/2022 at 2:04 PM
Joined in 2020
1 comment posted | 1 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
A friend is having great changes in his diabetic health. His A1C has gone from 7.7 to 6.0 in 1 1/2 years. Blood sugar was 180-200 with meds ( two types ) and BP was 190/90’s, now usually 120/ 130’s over 70’s. Meds eliminated and reduced and he’s lost 45 lbs has more energy. He’s beginning to have feeling again in his feet and less pain in his hands. He’s also had painful Rheumatoid Arthritis and is off all meds feeling great and playing golf again. I wanted to offer encouragement.
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Last activity on 09/26/2020 at 8:19 PM
Joined in 2020
5 comments posted | 5 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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@diabetic12 I've lost sixty pounds largely by carefully watching portion sizes, balancing nutrition by copying The Plate Method, and stringent adherence to a medical regimen of Metformin and Lantus insulin. 😁👍
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Antigone A. Freimann
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Last activity on 01/30/2023 at 3:46 PM
Joined in 2018
37 comments posted | 33 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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@aafreimann Wow that's impressive! I'll definitely be googling that!
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Last activity on 08/28/2021 at 9:17 PM
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2005. I also started to develop neuropathy in my feet about the same time. I struggled to keep this under control, but was not doing well. My A1C was 7.7 at the end of 2018 when I started taking nutritional products and now my A1C is down to 6.0 and the neuropathy has lessened and I'm off some of my meds and others have been reduced.
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Last activity on 08/28/2021 at 9:17 PM
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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I am the person that Hope 2020 has described.
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Last activity on 08/28/2021 at 9:17 PM
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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@Hope2020 Thank you for sharing my story.
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Last activity on 08/28/2021 at 9:17 PM
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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@Hope2020 Thank you for sharing my story.
Last activity on 09/13/2021 at 2:03 AM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 2 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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I am about 8 - 9 years in with Type 2 diabetes although I did have gestational diabetes with 2 of my 3 pregnancies (very big babies which came with its own set of concerns). Initially I asked for and was given permission to try and control it with diet and exercise and was very successful for about 3 years. Then I'm not sure exactly what changed but my weight started to climb and so did my blood sugar so I started on oral medications to manage my blood sugar and protect my kidneys; and I was still working really hard to manage my diet and exercise. I was pretty stable again for about 3 years but in the last 2 years it has become a real struggle; I had to start using injectable medications. I am aging (59 last month), my work is more sedentary, and I often do not have any energy left at the end of a work day to engage in any kind of physical activity. COVID has not helped a bit; I work from home as a case manager for a local mental health agency so I currently do not have access to the wellness program which had me in the pool with clients working out 3 days a week and I finally quit smoking about 6 months ago (food tastes amazing now!) Recently my PCP doubled my oral medication and again suggested that it would be good if I can get back into my program; monitor what I eat, get some exercise, track my blood sugar etc.
I guess I need some support from people who understand. This is not where I want to be in my life but I am really struggling to find the motivation to make the changes I know I need to make.
Last activity on 12/13/2021 at 4:58 PM
Joined in 2020
22 comments posted | 21 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
This will cure your diabetes type 2 which is insulin resistance. We are just not built to eat carbohydrates 3 times a day plus snacks for 50 years or so.
Eat a high healthy fat, low protein, very low carb diet. Eat Eggs, Whole cheese, Bacon, butter ,one piece rye bread.
Next Meal choose among Fish, Beef, Lamb, Shellfish, leafy vegetables, whole cheese , tomato's , avocado olive oil, coconut and or coconut oil. nuts and berries in moderation.
Eat every meal until you are full, no snacks, if you are hungry eat more fat during the next meal
Take 1000 metformin twice a day.
This will reverse your insulin resistance and you can get off the metformin within a few months or so.
This is 100% effective and although your doctor may not tell you this, he will agree with it 100%
You can cure yourself.
Last activity on 06/26/2021 at 5:20 AM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 3 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
Hello everyone ,
Last year in December when I went for the regular health check up I diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. In my report my fasting sugar was 200 and HBA1c was 8.3. That was shocking for me and heartbreaking. For a week I was so upset and my mind wasn’t ready to accept it. But after that I decided that I’ll stay strong and I’ll reverse it. Then I started changing my life style. First I researched about it. Then I break my journey in steps.
1. Lose weight. In December I was 138 lb and now I’m 118 lb.
2. I started to alkaline my body. For a week I ate only fruits and veggies. No grain no lentils no legumes no dairy. I’m vegetarian so no egg n no meat.
3. I designed my meal with lots of veggies n some fruits and some protein and low GI food.
4. I startd doing exercises.
5 I was sure that I’ll not take any medicine. I believe in body’s healing power and I did meditation and some yoga as well.
6. I read some books relating to diabetes from public library.
Right now my sugar levels are under control and latest HBA1c is 5.9 One most important thing I noticed is stress. When you are stressed it’s hard to manage sugar level with diabetic friendly food.
Be happy and calm is very much important.
I found amazing results very fast.
If anybody wants to know anything just ask me.
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Last activity on 04/28/2021 at 7:22 PM
Joined in 2020
5 comments posted | 5 in the Living with type 2 diabetes group
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Hello, my name is April, and I’m so happy to be here - literally. Last August, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The news floored me. But I’m a fighter, so I told my oncologist that I was willing to do anything necessary to battle this disease. So, after surgery and six rounds of chemo, I’m so happy to announce that I was deemed cancer-free in February of last year. I celebrated by going on a cruise - just in time, before Corona became rampant. The ship was named Victory, and this was definitely mine.
Long story short, the steroids in my chemo premeds caused my glucose to skyrocket into the 600’s. Not only that, but they made me ravenous, and I was constantly eating. I told my doctor that I had cancer to deal with right now - I’ll deal with the diabetes when I’m better. What I didn’t know is that the chemo had caused nerve damage in my feet, causing me not to be able to go back to my job. I’m currently on Disability. And along comes Covid. Now I’m eating the worst foods out of sheer boredom. But last night I had an epiphany - I fought for my life with the cancer...how is the diabetes any different. So, I’m ready to fight once again. I have a ten year old granddaughter and I wanna be around for a long time, ya know? So, anyway, that’s my story. Thanks for accepting me. - OCwarrior (Ovarian Cancer Warrior)