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What's your Type 2 Diabetes story? Let's share!
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Last activity on 07/13/2020 at 2:19 PM
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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@leahstanek : Sometimes I eat some sugar-free Jello pudding, fresh fruit like watermelon chunks, cantaloupe. I try to keep things like Glucerna, Atkins shakes. Recently I discovered shakes called Premier Protein.They are lower in carbs and calories, sodium too. I got banana cream flavored and peaches and cream flavored. Oh they are so good. This Skinny Pop is awesome! The individual bags are only 100 calories each with 0.5 saturated fat (my doctor said to be mindful of this as well), the sodium is only 45 mg & the carbs only 9 grams.

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Lois Kearney
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Last activity on 03/03/2022 at 4:07 PM
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17 comments posted | 11 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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@lighthouselvr58 Thanks for the suggestions on snacks. My go to one was greek yogurt, but I cannot eat that anymore because of a bladder condition I have called IC. Yogurt is one of the things that can make it worse. I have also discovered the Premier Protein drinks I have only bought the chocolate and vanilla ones. I also have gastroparesis, so I have to be careful about what I eat. The blander, the better with that. Thanks again for the suggestions. Have a good day!
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Last activity on 07/13/2020 at 2:19 PM
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Lois Kearney
Last activity on 09/08/2019 at 10:40 PM
Joined in 2019
2 comments posted | 2 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
hello, I am 67 years old and was diagnosed with type 2 in Aug. 04, here's my routine, Diet, Exercise and some nutritional supplements, for the entire story go here, [link removed by Moderator for violation of community standards]
thanks, James
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Last activity on 01/30/2023 at 3:46 PM
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37 comments posted | 33 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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I think my story is a bit like a few of us on here, I was diagnosed with it too when I didn't know I had it! I think I've managed it pretty well through the years, at one point everything was going so well that I was almost in remission! I've kind of gone in the opposite direction in recent years after some family stuff and now I'm really struggling with diet and exercise. I've also started having what I think is nephropathy in my feet, so that worries me too.
I hope everyone is staying safe and is doing good!
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 81 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Hello everyone,
How are you doing? We've had some new members join us recently, so I'd thought I'd welcome them to our group here!
Feel free to introduce yourself and share a bit about your journey with type 2 diabetes! Don't be shy!
@DharmaOkemah @Lisar01964 @Carolbernice @KristinR @Mg16066 @mmackey @Katie84 @Wizard662 @dotykb @mikehaynes @Tinara709 @tagrider65 @Loul46 @CherBear218 @kennedyodero @Jays.anatomy
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 09/05/2022 at 7:34 PM
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3 comments posted | 1 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
My name is Carol and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes several years ago in my 60's. At first it was a big stretch for me to get my A1c under control! I have a husband who is supportive but may sabotage my diet periodically by bringing home ice cream or cookies under the pretense that they are for our grandchildren. These items are extremely difficult for me to resist. He does less of this now as we both know that these foods are also bad for the grandkids!
A couple years after my diagnosis I became quite ill and ended up in the hospital with cellulitis in my arm. Three surgeries and a week in the hospital made me more aware of what is going on in my body! Last winter I thought I had GERD but found out I have gastroparesis. After that I started doing all the cooking and it has made a huge difference in my weight and how I feel. We walk daily, once by ourselves and once with the dogs. My A1c shows that I have my diabetes in control!
I am happy to be part of this group and look forward to learning more! Carol
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Last activity on 09/26/2020 at 8:19 PM
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5 comments posted | 5 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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My A1C at the time of diagnosis was 12.5 (May 29, 2020).
As of 9/17/2020 my A1C has dropped to 6.4!
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Antigone A. Freimann
Last activity on 06/01/2022 at 11:36 AM
Joined in 2018
12 comments posted | 8 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
@Carolbernice I go through the same thing! It must be a husband thing 😂
I was diagnosed with T2D several years ago as well and I really struggled getting a hold over the whole thing. I was completely overwhelmed still raising my kids and trying to work and dealing with stress and I didn't really know what to do. I kind of muddled through for a few years but I started having some terrible health issues (fatigue, weakness, back pain, high blood pressure) and it turns out that I had diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease) and had progressed to stage 3 without even knowing it! Since then I've tried to overhaul my life and fight both the diabetes and the kidney damage. It's been a long, hard road and I still have a ways to go, but I'm doing better.
Last activity on 06/01/2022 at 11:36 AM
Joined in 2018
12 comments posted | 8 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
@aafreimann That's amazing, how did you do it??
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Last activity on 04/28/2021 at 7:22 PM
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5 comments posted | 5 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Hello, my name is April, and I’m so happy to be here - literally. Last August, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The news floored me. But I’m a fighter, so I told my oncologist that I was willing to do anything necessary to battle this disease. So, after surgery and six rounds of chemo, I’m so happy to announce that I was deemed cancer-free in February of last year. I celebrated by going on a cruise - just in time, before Corona became rampant. The ship was named Victory, and this was definitely mine.
Long story short, the steroids in my chemo premeds caused my glucose to skyrocket into the 600’s. Not only that, but they made me ravenous, and I was constantly eating. I told my doctor that I had cancer to deal with right now - I’ll deal with the diabetes when I’m better. What I didn’t know is that the chemo had caused nerve damage in my feet, causing me not to be able to go back to my job. I’m currently on Disability. And along comes Covid. Now I’m eating the worst foods out of sheer boredom. But last night I had an epiphany - I fought for my life with the cancer...how is the diabetes any different. So, I’m ready to fight once again. I have a ten year old granddaughter and I wanna be around for a long time, ya know? So, anyway, that’s my story. Thanks for accepting me. - OCwarrior (Ovarian Cancer Warrior)