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Breast cancer - How are you dealing with the coronavirus?
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Last activity on 07/24/2022 at 2:23 PM
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25 comments posted | 14 in the Breast cancer Forum
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Oh this is a wonderful idea!
Hi ladies, hope you're all coping well with the social distancing🙂 I had a mastectomy last year so I'm in remission too. I had a check-in appointment a few weeks ago that got cancelled with all of this, so I'm just staying safe at home with my husband and son, missing the rest of my family as is everyone else. I guess this horrible virus puts things into perspective - my future is uncertain but everyone else’s is too. ❤️ There's that little voice at the back of my head that's wondering if the cancer is going to come back somehow, so I'm just trying to calm my mind and remind myself to just breathe and let things happen.
My thoughts go to the families of the people who are dealing with the virus and to of course our critical workers keeping us all safe and keeping the country moving despite this mess!
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 42 in the Breast cancer Forum
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Hello @notup! and @stillbeaut3ful, thank you for starting and participating in this discussion! It is so important for us to come together as a community and support one another through this difficult time!
Hello members, I hope you don't mind me tagging you! How are you coping during this pandemic? Are you still going through treatments or have they been rescheduled? Feel free to share any thoughts, worries, or advice you may have here! This discussion is just for you!
@Mmmd04 @Lulu3839 @mamagirl01 @Sarahfauch @angely0116 @zapata7 @Meechieben @Jenkaren @Bonnie19 @Offkey @debrec#aol.com @Dizdee @LisaMarie77 @Shanons4 @Mrsrick1013 @Rhodadee @Kelly22 @werslaves
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 09/26/2021 at 8:18 PM
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6 comments posted | 3 in the Breast cancer Forum
I was newly diagnosed, with DCIS. After the initial kick in the stomach, I do realize that I was lucky to catch it so esrly. My lumpectomy and radiation are delayed until the Covid19 is better , but am put on hormone blockers (hr pos) for the time being. I am wondering, how long will the pills will arrest the tumor? Forgot to ask Dr.
Last activity on 09/14/2020 at 9:03 PM
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4 comments posted | 3 in the Breast cancer Forum
I could not have chemo or radiation since the pandemic, on Tamoxifen
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 42 in the Breast cancer Forum
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Hello ladies, it's been a few days so I thought I would check in with you all. How are you doing? Is the lockdown getting to you, or are you still managing to stay positive? Getting some time in the sun really helps me cheer up, I hope you all will maybe get to enjoy it a bit this weekend!
Feel free to keep sharing how you're doing and feeling here
@notup! @stillbeaut3ful @debrec#aol.com @Meechieben @shell2995 @DDTaylor @RubyBegonia2 @Pamela1 @Tammy73 @Phelisha @aochiltree79 @Shanie @noonanpatsy @Jcrom416 @IRISHfan86 @Suzieq6 @Nx01Fan
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 06/24/2020 at 4:22 PM
Joined in 2020
1 comment posted | 1 in the Breast cancer Forum
I'm done with round one of every other week with the 2 chemo meds. I'm now going weekly on the Paclitaxel. 2 down 10 more weeks to go. VA comes to pick me up on Thursday's with enough time to get my lab work done before infusion.
I don't leave my house except to sit outside with my Crió Bru "coffee." Can we say YUMMY!? It's all roasted cacao beans. Coffee gives me too much acid reflux. I let Bubba run around the yard and I get to watch the hummingbirds and get some much needed vitamin D.
I'm going batshit crazy. But, you know what? That's ok. I'm still alive. Fighting to keep going everyday. 12 weekly rounds is now 2 down and 10 to go. 🤟🖖🤟🖖🧡
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Last activity on 05/20/2020 at 8:59 PM
Joined in 2019
4 comments posted | 2 in the Breast cancer Forum
Hello everyone:
Things are kind of different since January 2020. That is when the cancer went to the brain. I did not know that when this happened all treatments stopped. I was in the hospital at the time. I was released then to Hospic. I came home with life expency of 30 days and no type of followup except what you get from Hospic. Will I proved them wrong about the 30 days, I have made it too the end of April 2020 which looks like 90 days and I am determined to keep going. I understand that as the end approches it will be very painfull. I have lots of things I want to do but cannot stay focused. I thank GOD all the time for all the time i have had. i have been fighting this cancer since 8/12/2016 and i w ant to keep up the fight. i wish everyone well with their private battles and may each one be a winner.
Shirley c
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Last activity on 05/11/2020 at 7:45 PM
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15 comments posted | 13 in the Breast cancer Forum
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@shirleyc Wow Shirley, thank you for sharing with us, you are a fighter! You can do this! I'll be cheering you on and keeping your and your family in my thoughts!
I feel silly posting this now since so many people are struggling and are going through worse things than I am. I've been in remission almost 4 years now, so I haven't been as worried about all of this as I would be if I were still in treatment. Still being careful though because I'm not sure how long the effects of cancer treatment last on the immune system. Mostly dealing with bored kids and a bored husband and trying to come up with activities for all of us to do together.
This whole thing has given me some perspective I haven't had in a while being in remission. Holding everyone a bit tighter these days and reaching out to family and friends I haven't talked to in a while.
Please stay safe everyone!
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 42 in the Breast cancer Forum
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@shirleyc Hello shirleyc, thank you for sharing your story with us! I can't imagine what you must be going through. It is so great to hear that you are determined to keep fighting, please know that you have the whole Carenity team behind you to support you and cheer you on! Please keep us updated with how you are doing from time to time if you're up to it!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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Last activity on 02/25/2024 at 5:46 PM
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Doing alright as well. I'm in remission, but I'm worried for my husband. He has neuroendocrine tumors and we're afraid that they've spread to his lymph nodes. He has an appointment soon. Fingers crossed.
Hope everyone is well!
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@Courtney_J I am getting very nervous and scared because the surgery is July 13, 2021. My parents both died this year so I dont have them to talk to. My mom died on Feb 16, 2021 with a sickness she was suffering for 18 months so i was dealing with that for the last months and then my dad had a major stroke 3 weeks after my mom passed away and he could no longer go back to his assistance living so we had to find a nursing home. We found one he was only in there 3 weeks and then he passed away on May 6, 2021. Right after all that I was diagnosed with cancer so I have been on a train that is non-stop. I feel like I am so tried out and I dont have much energy left. My sisters are not helpful they keep telling me just pray. They both got to take 2 weeks vacation after my mom and dad passed away. I have not even had time to take a breather I am just on the train of bad luck. That is how I am feeling.
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Symptoms and complications of breast cancer
What was your age and what initial symptoms did you experience at onset?
@Courtney_J I am getting very nervous and scared because the surgery is July 13, 2021. My parents both died this year so I dont have them to talk to. My mom died on Feb 16, 2021 with a sickness she was suffering for 18 months so i was dealing with that for the last months and then my dad had a major stroke 3 weeks after my mom passed away and he could no longer go back to his assistance living so we had to find a nursing home. We found one he was only in there 3 weeks and then he passed away on May 6, 2021. Right after all that I was diagnosed with cancer so I have been on a train that is non-stop. I feel like I am so tried out and I dont have much energy left. My sisters are not helpful they keep telling me just pray. They both got to take 2 weeks vacation after my mom and dad passed away. I have not even had time to take a breather I am just on the train of bad luck. That is how I am feeling.
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Good advisor
Last activity on 06/26/2020 at 6:17 PM
Joined in 2018
40 comments posted | 10 in the Breast cancer Forum
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Hello ladies,
I know there's a similar discussion in the Living with Cancer group, but I thought it would be nice for us to have our own. How are you all doing?
I'm in remission right now so not going through any treatments, but I've been being careful and social distancing with the family since my immune system may still not be back to where it should be. How are you all handling all of this craziness? Have your treatments been rescheduled?
This has all been hard on me mentally, I've been so anxious anyway that the cancer would come back, and then now I'm worried that me or my family will catch it. Trying to stay positive though and do other things to keep myself busy!