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Start discussions in this group about living with depression. Share your experiences and discuss how it affects your life, tips, and anything else.

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Hi all. Hoping wellness. I do know, for a fact, weather affects mood. I have seasonal affective disorder ( SAD). My down times are fall & winter. I take antidepressants all year, &, even when it's a dreary summer day, I use my full spectrum light. Very helpful!!! Had depression all my adult life. Sucks, but does not define me. I'm Peggy first. What are others thoughts? Thx.

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It can be very frustrating trying to get help and when you are already struggling the search can be even more frustrating. For me the first step is making sure my insurance will cover the visits, once I have done that I check reviews on therapists with the understanding that it is the opinion of others but generally if you see majority of good reviews then it is a good therapist, but you really won't know for sure until you meet them yourself. As for getting an appointment without having to wait a long time I have found clinics have more open slots then single providers, also if you don't mind doing virtual you can get in much quicker than in person. My best advice is to set your mind to taking the time and doing research.

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